- Overview
- Installation & Uninstallation
- Local and remote management using IIS 7
- Context and processing order
- Apache compatibility
- Modules
- core functions
- mod_antibot
- mod_asis
- mod_auth_basic
- mod_auth_digest
- mod_authn_anon
- mod_authn_dbd
- mod_authn_default
- mod_authn_file
- mod_authz_default
- mod_authz_groupfile
- mod_authz_host
- mod_authz_user
- mod_cache
- mod_dbd
- mod_deflate
- mod_developer
- mod_dir
- mod_disk_cache
- mod_env
- mod_evasive
- mod_expires
- mod_filter
- mod_gzip
- mod_headers
- mod_hotlink
- mod_linkfreeze
- mod_log_config
- mod_logio
- mod_mem_cache
- mod_mime
- mod_proxy
- mod_replace
- mod_rewrite
- mod_seo
- mod_setenvif
- mod_so
- mod_speling
- mod_usertrack
- mod_xsendfile
- Articles
- Release history
- Troubleshooting
- License agreement
Helicon Ape Articles
Load balancing with Helicon Ape mod_proxy
Helicon Ape mod_proxy module provides simple way to configure load balancer. This article is giving explicit instructions of how to configure and test such load balancer.
mod_seo - more SEO with less effort
Introduction as well as a detailed guide to new mod_seo module which is destined to build good-looking URLs based on the applications DB data or maps without necessity to change anything in its code.
Web Caching: what is it?
Theoretical article on types of caches, web server cache operation and its profitability.
How mod_cache works?
Helicon Ape mod_cache description. Conditions under which requests will be cached or returned from the cache.
HTTP Authentication and Authorization
What is HTTP Authentication and Authorization and how they work?
Enabling site authentication not using Windows users
How to enable authentication for web site not using Windows users?
Introduction to mod_gzip
What is mod_gzip, how it works and for which purposes?
Helicon Ape Manager - 10 helpful tips
Helicon Ape Manager helpful features.
Exploding myths about mod_rewrite
Illustration of Helicon Ape mod_rewrite capabilities and additional features.
Strong hotlink protection with Helicon Ape mod_hotlink module
Description of mod_hotlink - the module aimed at protecting your web server from people stealing your traffic by directly linking to the content on your server. The article may be especially important for those having image, video, documents archives and other downloadable content.
Using Helicon Ape under IIS6 (Windows Server 2003)
Peculiarities of running Helicon Ape on Windows 2003 Server.
How to enable mod_gzip compression for IIS7
Enabling mod_gzip and adjusting it the way you want.
Example of mod_cache application
Caching configuration on the example of PHP application called qdig (images web-gallery).
URL-rewriting basics and map-files application
Basic URL-rewriting concepts and mapfiles application.
Tuning Wordpress with Helicon Ape on IIS7 (permalinks, browser/server caching, compression)
Optimizing, speeding up and prettifying Wordpress operation using Helicon Ape.
How to enable mod_rewrite in Helicon Ape
Enabling mod_rewrite module in Helicon Ape.
How to install Helicon Ape on shared hosting
Installation of Helicon Ape on shared hosting without server administrator participation.