web page cannot find error

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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web page cannot find error

19 Jul 2013, 09:54


Source Url: https://at.1234.com/try/1234/ABC Library/Credentials and Experience/1234 Experience Industrial abc.pptx

Redirect Url: https://at.1234.com/capital/GLibrary/15 ... 299c087bae

Rule is -

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^at\.1234\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^try/1234/ABC\ Library/Credentials\ and\ Experience/1234\ Experience\ Industrial\ abc\.pptx$ /capital/GLibrary/15af43f7\%2D1625\%2D4381\%2D885c\%2D55299c087bae [NC,R=301,L,NE]

above rule working Dev and QA environment, after deployed Prod environment some times working and some times giving web page cannot find error.

Pls tell me any synax error on above rule(In Prod we are having 2000 query string rules).

Note: These all 2000 rules and my recent above rule redirect to same library but DocumentSet is diffrent.

any help you could give would be appricated.


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Re: web page cannot find error

19 Jul 2013, 19:21

Do you have load balancing in prod environment?


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Re: web page cannot find error

20 Jul 2013, 18:16

Yes, we have 3 APP servers and 3 WFE servers and we have installed ISAPI tool on 2 WFE servers; we are using same httpd.conf file and rules in both servers. Basically, we are using this tool and redirection for long time and this was working fine till we deployed new rules which is mentioned in the below thread.....

we just want to confirm that the rule which we mentioned is syntactically and logically right ???

Or, there is any other dependencies we need to look into it??

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Re: web page cannot find error

21 Jul 2013, 22:52

Well, the spaces in the pattern don't look good. Here's a documentation that describes regexps and spaces in them - http://www.helicontech.com/isapi_rewrit ... teRule.htm

p.s. are you config in the shared folder?


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Re: web page cannot find error

22 Jul 2013, 04:19

"The spaces in the pattern don't look good.".....Can you expalin this line little bit more because same rule is working fine in dev environment.

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Re: web page cannot find error

22 Jul 2013, 09:12

The syntax of a rule is "RewriteRule" + [pattern] + [space] + [landing URL]. TO correctly parse a rule there's only one space accepted and it divides the pattern and the landing URL.
So in your case [space] is a special character.

I'm more surprised that it works in testing environment, rather than surprised that it doesn't work in production. What are the differences between testing and production(OS, IIS, etc)?

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Re: web page cannot find error

22 Jul 2013, 15:33

Yes, in my case space is a special character. So,my rule is correct at this point of time?

There is no difference between QA and Prod.

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Re: web page cannot find error

22 Jul 2013, 17:08

it's theoretically correct, but I'd suggest using '\s' instead of spaces in the pattern(as described in documentation).


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