Rewrite Header

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Rewrite Header

23 Feb 2015, 11:14


I am really new to this ISAP_Rewrite. I am testing with this tool as IIS URL rewrite is doing the authentication after the rewrite so I do not have AUTH_USER,LOGON_USER or REMOTE_USER in my HTTP Header.

At the moment I am trying to add a custom variable to the HTTP Header but it is not working at all.

Does anybody here maybe have a sec to give me a usefull hint :)

RewriteEngine on
RewriteHeader HTTP_VARIABLE: (.*) USERNAME.test
RewriteRule (.*) http://localhost:8888$1 [P]

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Re: Rewrite Header

23 Feb 2015, 11:55


It is not quite clear to me what are you trying to achieve? Are you using authentication? If yes, then what sort of it and what module is doing it? Is it standard IIS authentication?

What you are doing is probably achievable with Helicon Ape as it has various authentication features, that you can configure with .htaccess and .htpasswd files under your web site. IIS built-in authentication should be disabled if you plan to use Ape for authentication. Please read: ... ows-users/

If you are just trying to pass authentication headers to the backend machine, then you can use [A] flag of RewriteProxy directive of ISAPI_Rewrite (instead of using RewriteRule and RewriteHeader pair): ... eProxy.htm

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