Regex Pattern Matching bug in my rewrite

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Regex Pattern Matching bug in my rewrite

20 Nov 2013, 23:16

Hey Guys,

Please help, I'm tipping this issue is due to my intermediate understanding of regex ( I usually get by fine ).

I have the following rule in my .htaccess

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([edith\.|bertha\.]*)([visual|performing|screen|architecture|design|publishing]+)\.sitename(.+)/? [NC]
RewriteRule ^$ /${mapfile_domains:%3}/section-%2.aspx?SectionId=${mapfile_sections:%2} [L]

This examples works fine: it does an internal redirect to the page 'section-performing.aspx?SectionId=x' it does an internal redirect to the page 'section-visual.aspx?SectionId=x' it does an internal redirect to the page 'section-publishing.aspx?SectionId=x'

However If I go to 'architecture' it writes to 'section-rchitecture.aspx?SectionId=x' (The 'a' in architecture is dropped??)

If I go to 'design' it writes to 'section-sign.aspx?SectionId=x' (The 'de' in design is dropped??)

Can anyone tell me where my stupidity lies...

Errol (^_^)

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Re: Regex Pattern Matching bug in my rewrite

21 Nov 2013, 00:37

I'm tipping however that is has something to do with 'edith' containing 'de' which is then negated in my rewrite rule for 'design'
And 'bertha' containing 'a' which is then negated in my rewrite rule for 'architecture'

Am I close???

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Re: Regex Pattern Matching bug in my rewrite

21 Nov 2013, 01:29

Haha, I've fixed my own problem, realising my error...

I removed the [] which makes the words literals (Doh)

The rule is now

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(edith\.|bertha\.)*(visual|performing|screen|architecture|design|publishing)+\.sitename(.+)/? [NC]
RewriteRule ^$ /${mapfile_domains:%3}/section-%2.aspx?SectionId=${mapfile_sections:%2} [L]

I hope this helps someone else that has made the same mistake.

Errol (^_^)

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Re: Regex Pattern Matching bug in my rewrite

19 Dec 2014, 03:28

Thanks this helps.

These examples are for the entire site, but how can I apply these rules to a single web page?

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Re: Regex Pattern Matching bug in my rewrite

04 Jan 2015, 19:56

If you wanted to apply this to a single page, you would mention the page in the RewriteRule

If the page was 'shop/televisions/my-television.html'

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(edith\.|bertha\.)*(visual|performing|screen|architecture|design|publishing)+\.sitename(.+)/? [NC]
RewriteRule ^shop/televisions/my-television\.html$ /${mapfile_domains:%3}/section-%2.aspx?SectionId=${mapfile_sections:%2} [L]

Errol :)

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