v3.0 not work on Win2012 (IIS 8.5)

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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v3.0 not work on Win2012 (IIS 8.5)

21 May 2014, 05:06

After transfer my site from win2003(IIS6) server on Win2012(IIS8.5) (both 64bit) i cant tune ISAPI Rewrite 3(..104) module.

rewrite rules not work.
ISAPI filter instal correct (i think).

As sample not work rule to add slash after site (or directory) names.

Need fast help, because it a production site

Are there any document on configuration isapi_rewrite on win8(2012) and iis8(.5) ?

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Re: v3.0 not work on Win2012 (IIS 8.5)

21 May 2014, 06:13


Please enable logging in httpd.conf by putting

RewriteLogLevel 9
LogLevel debug

and provide rewrite.log and error.log records for your test request.

Also please show the config you are using.

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Re: v3.0 not work on Win2012 (IIS 8.5)

21 May 2014, 07:08

error.log is clear, like
[21.05.2014 13:07:00] ISAPI Filter loaded. Version Windows 6.3 (Build 9600 ServicePack:0) ProductType SERVER. CPU type AMD64 NumberOfProcessors 8.

rewrite.log attached
config attched in private message

But some rules not work. Add last slash - as sample.
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Re: v3.0 not work on Win2012 (IIS 8.5)

22 May 2014, 10:20

toologic wrote:After transfer my site from win2003(IIS6) server on Win2012(IIS8.5) (both 64bit) i cant tune ISAPI Rewrite 3(..104) module.

rewrite rules not work.
ISAPI filter instal correct (i think).

As sample not work rule to add slash after site (or directory) names.

Need fast help, because it a production site

Are there any document on configuration isapi_rewrite on win8(2012) and iis8(.5) ?

Best solution from HeliconAndrew
Need to add into httpd.conf

RewriteEngine on

This is switch priority processing filters and modules

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