rewrite wont allow "." in a string

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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rewrite wont allow "." in a string

19 Jan 2014, 22:56


Im sure this is probably a very very simple issue, but for the life of me... I cant seem to find a resolution.

RewriteRule /detail/(.*)$ /index.cfm?go=shop.detail&content=$1 [NC,L,QSA]

My URL's all work fine, except for one particular type.


When this dot is applied to a product it returns a blank page every time.

Any ideas on how to get this resolved.

Unfortunately our client has a number of products like this scattered throughout their website

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Re: rewrite wont allow "." in a string

20 Jan 2014, 10:21


You're probably getting 404, which is a result of IIS restrictions.
We had many customers trying to solve this, but the issue is in IIS and there's nothing we can do about it. If you google or search stackoverflow, you'll find dozens of issues "dot at the end of request" or 'trailing dot in URL', which suggest workarounds. Unfortunately that last time I checked it still hasn't bee resolved by any Microsoft fixes. Please, let us know if you'll be able to find a solution.


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