rewrite3 not working on IIS7

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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rewrite3 not working on IIS7

23 Sep 2013, 19:37

We have moved the site from MS WIN SERVER 2003 IIS 6.x to WIN SERVER 2008 IIS 7.x

None of the dynamic pages are created.
This is the code:

RewriteCond $1 ^(index\.asp)?$ [OR]
# or if request is for image, css, or js file
RewriteCond $1 \.(gif|jpg|ico|css|js)$ [NC,OR]
# Frontpage
RewriteCond $1 ^(_vti).* [NC,OR]
# or if URL resolves to existing file
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
# or if URL resolves to existing directory
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
# then skip the rewrite to WP
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [S=1]
# else rewrite the request to WP
RewriteRule . /handle_url.asp?url=%{REQUEST_FILENAME} [L,QSA]

What I'm missing here or what is wrong? why works on 2003 IIS 6 and not on 2008 IIS7 ?
Any help?

Site to test: http://micromacromundo-com.vps-rocousa- ...

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Re: rewrite3 not working on IIS7

24 Sep 2013, 10:33


That's a very interesting set of rules. Let's take a look at the logs to figure out the problem.
Logging issues are described in FAQ - Please, provide the rewrite.log for the testing request.


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Re: rewrite3 not working on IIS7

24 Sep 2013, 13:44

Hi Andrew
Thank you for your anwser
Nobody here is expert enough to do anything with the ISAPI so we do not know where to get what you ask.
The developer of the shopping cart has no idea and nobody of the people they have as "affiliated" wants to do anything afraid to fail.

This is the thing: our site now is working fine with your product under Server 2003 and IIS 6 but we are trying to install it in a new server under MS Server 2008 and ISS & (included on teh OS).
We just copied the rules that are working now, but seems something is wrong as when we try to display any product detail, it fails to create teh dynamic page.
See example:
Go to http://micromacromundo-com.vps-rocousa- ... reiser.asp
Click on the first item: http://micromacromundo-com.vps-rocousa- ... nel-db.asp
It creates a page that is NOT the detail page.
Correct detail page should be same as: ... nel-db.asp (this page is from the actual server under MS Server 2003/IIS6)

We are willing to pay for the help we need if you or someone can fix the problem on the new server.
We will provide the administrative user and password to enter into the server and see what is wrong.

Your help is highly appreciated


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Re: rewrite3 not working on IIS7

24 Sep 2013, 13:54

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Re: rewrite3 not working on IIS7

24 Sep 2013, 20:09


IIS 6 and IIS7 are different, so the product's behaviour might be slightly different depending on the tricks you want to do.
FYI: 4 out of 6 your links gave me - 401 Unauthorized, you are not logged in. But I guess, I still understand the problem.

The only thing we need to do here is to do the logging. EVERYTHING about basic logging IS DESCRIBED in FAQ ( I'm not sending you to some useless link. You just put several lines in httpd.conf, make requests, and watch the rewrite.log growing in the Helicon installation folder. That's it.

However, we've never been against the Premium Support Plans. So you can do that and we'll remotely connect and do everything for you.


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Re: rewrite3 not working on IIS7

25 Sep 2013, 19:59

Hi Andrew
Thank you for the time you took looking this.
I have pass this response to those guys at the Server provider and see if they can figure it out what is wrong.

They are proposing (and I'm for it) to go back to a 2003 server with IIS 6 and forget this problem, as this is not the only problem we have (2008 does not supports either frontpage extensions)

I will keep you informed on what is the result.

For you to know, I did the first proposal on the link to see if the Isapi works and IT WORKS, so the problem must be on the code or I have no idea where, but now the server is a mess as these guys have started to install isapi2, isapi3 and all the choices available, so who know.

Best regards

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Re: rewrite3 not working on IIS7

25 Sep 2013, 20:27

Man... installing them at the same time will mess it up.
We'd be happy to help you tweak the code. So just give us a sign, and we'll get on it.


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