.pdf to .pdf redirection

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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.pdf to .pdf redirection

25 Jun 2013, 06:28

I'm new to doing redirects so go easy :) I've then been asked to do .pdf file to .pdf. My code is below.

Code: Select all
RewriteRule ^(/link that doesn't work.pdf)$ /_assets/documents/workingdoc.pdf [NC,R=301]

I need to get it when they click on /link that doesn't work.pdf it is redirected to /_assets/documents/workingdoc.pdf so it opens the pdf file. Have I got this the correct way around?

Any help much appreciated

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Re: .pdf to .pdf redirection

25 Jun 2013, 08:01


Yes, generally you put it correctly, although parenthesis are not necessary:

RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^link\ that\ doesn't\ work\.pdf$ /_assets/documents/workingdoc.pdf [NC,R=301,L]

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Re: .pdf to .pdf redirection

27 Jun 2013, 06:32

Anton, thank you for the quick reply as it cleared up if I was doing it right. I managed to see that it wasn't working as the link was used earlier in the redirects .ini file.

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