page does not exists error -why is this not being picked up?

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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page does not exists error -why is this not being picked up?

12 Jun 2013, 10:46

I keep receiving a number of errors via my servers log files that should be picked up via the rewrite url.

Error received in logs:
Code: Select all

The file '/test/a-b-c.aspx' does not exist.

.htaccess file includes
Code: Select all
RewriteRule ^test/([A-Za-z0-9-]+).aspx$ test.aspx?pagename=$1 [L,QSA]

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Re: page does not exists error -why is this not being picked

12 Jun 2013, 11:33


As far as I understand, you're saying that the rule you have doesn't match the URL ''/test/a-b-c.aspx''. Correct?

Would you, please, provide rewrite.log for the testing request?


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Re: page does not exists error -why is this not being picked

12 Jun 2013, 12:14

The rule does work, however every now and again (once or twice per day out of hundreds of requests for this page) I still receive this log error.

I'm unsure if the user knows of the error or if the redirect does take place and the error is generated for some reason.

Where would I find the rewrite.log?

Where should I send the log file?

Kind Regards

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Re: page does not exists error -why is this not being picked

12 Jun 2013, 14:24

The logging issues are described in FAQ -
You can provide the log here, or using email, or helpdesk. However, please, make sure the log contains only testing request. Users send us dozens of megabytes, which makes it hard to process the log.


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Re: page does not exists error -why is this not being picked

12 Jun 2013, 15:44

Have just enabled logging, so will fire over an extract of the .log file when I discover another error coming through.


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Re: page does not exists error -why is this not being picked

19 Jun 2013, 06:54

HeliconAndrew wrote:The logging issues are described in FAQ -
You can provide the log here, or using email, or helpdesk. However, please, make sure the log contains only testing request. Users send us dozens of megabytes, which makes it hard to process the log.


Something that would be *very* useful for a future version would be if logging could be configured on a per-VirtualSite basis. I support a system that hosts multiple websites, several of them using ISAPI_Rewrite. It would be good to be able to:
  • turn logging on only for one or two sites
  • direct logging from each site to its own file

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Re: page does not exists error -why is this not being picked

19 Jun 2013, 08:34

This is related to some IIS specifics. ISAPI_Rewrite won't have pers-site logging, but HeliconApe will. We have it in our plans.

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