VirtualHost Directive with not working as expected

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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VirtualHost Directive with not working as expected

04 Apr 2013, 14:53

Dear community,

i try to use the VirtualHost directive on websites using different IP Addresses (but the same port).

i added just these lines to the standard installation (httpd.conf) (no htaccess files or any web.config entries other than what the installer did)

Code: Select all
RewriteEngine off
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule .*  - [F]

  RewriteEngine off

- to return 302 Forbidden
- to return the Default-Document

But both sites returned 302 Forbidden

when i change the order of those entries to:

Code: Select all
RewriteEngine off
  RewriteEngine off

  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule .*  - [F]

both sites return the default document.

To test my problem i created a vanilla 2008R2 Windows Server with a default IIS Installation, added a 2nd Website - pointing to inetpub\wwwroot
installed helicon-ape (unregistered for 45days - but the persists after entering valid registration keys)

Both websites are bound to exactly one ip-address ( and

Did I miss something?

Thanks in advance,


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