Sequence of installations / 500 Error

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Sequence of installations / 500 Error

14 Jul 2014, 17:31

I continued to get 500 server errors:

Helicon Zoo module has caught up an error. Please see the details below.

Windows error

The system cannot find the path specified. (ERROR CODE: 3)

Internal module error

message: Can't open '%JDK_HOME%\bin\java.exe' file type: ZooException file: Common\WinApi.cpp line: 307 version:

Perhaps I did NOT first have Java SDK or Runtime ***64*** bit installed manually FIRST, but now I cannot uninstall Helicon modules, like Java Hosting Package, Jetty7,Jetty 8 in order to start over. I can uninstall in normal Windows fashion Helicon Zoo Module, but the other portions Java Hosting Package, Jetty 7, Jetty 8 remain.

Can anyone suggest what to try? I would like to eliminate all Helicon modules, packages, etc. from IIS, and then reinstall again so that it will be "after" the manual installation of JDK 64bit.

I don't know if this would fix this 500 message that it cannot find "JDK_HOME%\bin\java.exe'

But I don't know what else to try.

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Re: Sequence of installations / 500 Error

01 Mar 2017, 02:57

I have a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error when I attempt to stack my site page. My blog is facilitated by Yahoo!, so does this mean there is an issue on their end? Will it be repaired without messing my blog? Has anybody had this issue some time recently? If you don't mind help - I'm in a frenzy! and I'm assignment expert from assignment moz if you need help you can contact me anytime

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Re: Sequence of installations / 500 Error

23 Mar 2017, 04:50

thank you for sharing this information.I really appreciated for this post.thank you so much.I really enjoyable for this post.thank you so much

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Re: Sequence of installations / 500 Error

08 Aug 2017, 08:28

The same problem also happened to me. But I don't know the reason for this. How would you solve this problem, it would be better if you share the details here so that I can correct the errors in the site. Waiting for your in amsterdam

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Re: Sequence of installations / 500 Error

13 Aug 2017, 06:24

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Re: Sequence of installations / 500 Error

27 Dec 2017, 01:08

Amazing game, Thanks for sharing

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Re: Sequence of installations / 500 Error

23 Mar 2018, 03:13

sharlynwilliam001 wrote:I have a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error when I attempt to stack my site page. My blog is facilitated by Yahoo!, so does this mean there is an issue on their end? Will it be repaired without messing my blog? Has anybody had this issue some time recently? If you don't mind help - I'm in a frenzy! and I'm [url=]assignment expert from assignment moz[] if you need help you can contact me anytime


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