Rewrite with Query-String parameter

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Rewrite with Query-String parameter

05 Jul 2014, 17:01

Hi there,

I can't get a simple rule working :oops:
I want to rewrite this...

I tried this rule:
RewriteRule Arzt/.*/(\d+)?(.*) RealPath/index.plx?id=$1&sid=$2 [NC]
which works fine at all but it is missing the sid. The problem seems to be the ? but I can't get it working.

Thanks for any help


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Re: Rewrite with Query-String parameter

07 Jul 2014, 00:01


Please, try the following:
Code: Select all
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.+)$
RewriteRule Arzt/[^/]+/[^/]+/(\d+)$ RealPath/index.plx?id=$1&sid=%1? [NC]


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Re: Rewrite with Query-String parameter

07 Jul 2014, 08:03

It works :D
Thanks for the support... you made my day

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