Remove rewrite from one site

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Remove rewrite from one site

16 Dec 2013, 12:48

If I do not want rewrite for one particular site, do I just remove the handler mapping? If so, which one?


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Re: Remove rewrite from one site

16 Dec 2013, 16:07


1. I think there's a more straightforward solution. If you're using httpd.conf, which affects all server and every site, than you need to add the following cond to the rules:

Code: Select all
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} !^www\.NotTheRightSite\.com$ [NC]


2. You can install ISAPI_Rewrite per-site, not globally.


3. Or you can use Virtual Host directive to group the rules ... alHost.htm


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Re: Remove rewrite from one site

16 Dec 2013, 16:29

If I use virtual host directives, does it matter that the sites that I do want to use rewrite are using .htaccess for their rules?

Do I need to restart a service or cycle the box for the changes made to httpd.conf are recognized?


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Re: Remove rewrite from one site

16 Dec 2013, 16:40

Yes, it does matter if you use httpd.conf or .htaccess. Httpd.conf provides rules that affect ALL sites on the server, while .htaccess is per-site configuration files, that affect only its sites.
So you need to specify which type you're using and from what rules are you trying to protect the site.

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Re: Remove rewrite from one site

16 Dec 2013, 19:48

There are not any rules in my httpd.conf. The rules are in .htaccess for each site. The httpd.conf only has registration information and logging.

So the site that I do not want to use rewrite on does not have an .htacces file. The should eliminate it from testing it for matching rules, correct?


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Re: Remove rewrite from one site

17 Dec 2013, 11:20

If httpd.conf is empty and the .htaccess for the given site is empty as well, I do not see a reason to do anything about it. Or do I get you wrong?

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Re: Remove rewrite from one site

17 Dec 2013, 12:17

Well, I am getting 404's, and I see entries in the rewrite log:

XX.XX.XX.XXX XX.XX.XX.XXX Tue, 17-Dec-2013 07:03:02 GMT [][rid#29070056/initial] (2) init rewrite engine with requested uri /index.cfm/remote/create

That is the only line in the log, so IR is not trying to match a rule, but wondering why it is logging the call at all. Looks like once IR 3 is installed, it examines all incoming requests regardless of configuration.

I also read about DisableRewrite "" which I am trying to use in http.conf using the config editor but when I try to apply the change I get a "Unknown expression error". It would be nice if you could just exclude a site in the Helicon Manager.

I took the same code base and installed on a different server without IR 3 and it works as expected. I know this is circumstantial but looks somewhat convincing to me that IR 3 is my issue.

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Re: Remove rewrite from one site

18 Dec 2013, 00:48

All correct, the entry is supposed to be in the log. But that's normal. And if you were to create a similar software, wouldn't you track all requests that come to the server?

In the log you see only one line. Since there's nothing in httpd.conf and in corresponding .htaccess ISAPI_Rewrite doesn't do anything to the request. And the log supports this statement. There's nothing else we can do about disabling the ISAPI_Rewrite3 for this site.

I don't say I don't trust you, but try to uninstall ISAPI_Rewrite 3 and see if the site will work. If so, please, provide some additional info about the site (CMS? PLESK? CF? etc)


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Re: Remove rewrite from one site

18 Dec 2013, 16:27

Maybe, but since this is add on software to a feature that is native in the OS, I would maybe just rely on the logging of IIS. But either way, only harm here was I thought maybe IR 3 is interfering somehow, and since its not I'll keep digging. Uninstalling is not an option since there are sites they currently use IR 3.

This is a ColdFusion 10, fully patched, Coldbox framework and Coldbox's REST API called RELAX running on Windows 2008r2 and IIS 7.5

Thans for your help and if I have anything of value to add to this thread I will come back and post it.

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Re: Remove rewrite from one site

19 Dec 2013, 12:30

Well, I do not see any interference. But since you mentioned CF, here's an article that addresses the only known issue about ISAPI_Rewrite 3 performance with CF - ... aboration/ . But there's not much else to it.


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