Newbie... need help. What step am I missing?

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Newbie... need help. What step am I missing?

30 Jan 2014, 19:22

I installed ISAPI_Rewrite on Server 2012.

Under IIS Manager, I can see it installed under ISAPI Filters. (I don't see any icon that says ISAPI Extensions, is that alright?)

I created a file called .htaccess and uploaded it to the root directory of my website.

I don't have anything inside httpd.conf file

Using the examples on the website, I have the following inside my .htaccess file

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^churchsearch/[^?/]*_(\d+)\.asp /churchsearch/church.asp?ID=$1 [QSA]

When I try to view the page, I just get the IIS 8.0 Detailed Error page, which is a 404.

Do I need to do anything to "start up" ISAPI_Rewrite?

Am I missing a step here?

I tried restarting the IIS web server and still same problem. Thanks.

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Re: Newbie... need help. What step am I missing?

30 Jan 2014, 19:40

I tried this step, found on another forum post

Put the following rule into httpd.conf file:
RewriteRule .? - [F]

Make any request to the site.
If the response is "403 Forbidden", ISAPI_Rewrite works OK.

I got the 403 Forbidden page, so I guess my ISAPI_Rewrite is working... at least changes done on the httpd.conf file.

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Re: Newbie... need help. What step am I missing?

30 Jan 2014, 21:10

I can't get the rules to work if placed in website directory as .htaccess file.

So I just put all my rules in httpd.conf . That worked!

Would be nice if I can put it on the individual site though... any tips on why do you think it's not working as .htaccess file?

Also, this is a regex question....
How can I match an ID# that contains dashes (-) ?

(\d+) matches only all numeric digits in the ID# query string

I need it to also match
and also

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Re: Newbie... need help. What step am I missing?

31 Jan 2014, 06:44


Try to use HeliconManager to edit the .htaccess files. They should have been created by default in the root directories of the sites. What you describe sounds like a permissions issue. Try to follow this article, providing permissions - ... curity.htm

The regExp should be:
Code: Select all

which insludes digits from 0 to 9 and '-'.

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Re: Newbie... need help. What step am I missing?

09 Feb 2014, 19:41

Andrew, thanks for the reply.
Client is ready to buy, but I'm still having some issues.

We're using Server 2012... there is no IIS_WPG group. There is a WSS_WPG group. Is this the same thing as ISS_WPG in Server 2008?

you said "should be given at least Read and List Folder Content access to the folder locating ISAPI_Rewrite installation files. "

Do you mean the IIS web directory? or \Program Files\Helicon_ISAPI_Rewrite directory?

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Re: Newbie... need help. What step am I missing?

09 Feb 2014, 20:25

UPDATE: Never mind. I got it working. I didn't have to do anything with the WSS_WPG.

Last few questions....
1. When I buy the software, do I get a new ISAPI_REWRITE3 Installation file? Or do I just enter a serial number or place a "key" file somewhere?

2. My client is a non-profit organization. Is there a non-profit discount?

3. My current RewriteRule is
RewriteRule ^search/[^?/]*_(\d+-*\d+)$ /search/group.asp?ID=$1 [QSA]
The above rule works for /search/blah-blah_1234567 and /search/blah-blah_123-4567

BUT...What I really would like to know is the RewriteRule so it matches

i.e. using dashes for the SEO friendly url, and then a dash, and then a string of numbers (with or without dash).

Is this possible?

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Re: Newbie... need help. What step am I missing?

09 Feb 2014, 21:27

Disregard question#3 above. I just changed my friendly url format/structure to keyword/99999/whatever-goes-here
problem solved.

Just answer #1 and #2. Thanks!

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Re: Newbie... need help. What step am I missing?

12 Feb 2014, 07:30


1. When I buy the software, do I get a new ISAPI_REWRITE3 Installation file? Or do I just enter a serial number or place a "key" file somewhere?
- you simply get the key. Then you go to About -> Register and enter it.

2. My client is a non-profit organization. Is there a non-profit discount?
- yes, we can provide a 20% discount to your client. Please request it by email ([email protected]) and specify the reference to this forum post.

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Re: Newbie... need help. What step am I missing?

14 Feb 2014, 02:50

Thanks Anton.. email sent. - RVO

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