Need Help to write rules....

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Need Help to write rules....

28 Jun 2013, 09:19


I have to write some rules to redirect users from some URLs to other URL. Please refer below example --

Source Url:

Redirect URL:

Please provide the redirection conditions and rules

Thanks & Regards,


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Re: Need Help to write rules....

28 Jun 2013, 18:13


Please, try using

Code: Select all
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^at\.1234\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^Documents/1234\%20Test\%20for\%20Consume\r%20Packing\%20Goods\%20sales\%20deck\%202007\%20version.pptx$ /KandA/TestLibrary/Ind%20Exp%20Utility [NC,R=301,L]


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Re: Need Help to write rules....

01 Jul 2013, 10:01

Hi Andrew,

After entering Source Url:
browser window is closed, and download popup window is opened. Its not redirect to

Please provide the solution

Thanks & Regards,
Last edited by Galisetti on 01 Jul 2013, 10:20, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Need Help to write rules....

01 Jul 2013, 10:08

Is it opening the right file in this download window?

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Re: Need Help to write rules....

01 Jul 2013, 10:21

yes, its opening right file..

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Re: Need Help to write rules....

01 Jul 2013, 14:27

In this case ISAPI_Rewrite did everything it was supposed to do. It just redirected, the fact that the download windows gets opened means there are some IIS settings that need to be changed. I think it's something about MIME type.


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Re: Need Help to write rules....

04 Jul 2013, 04:20

Hi Andrew,

can you provide the steps to check MIME Type settings in IIS which you have mention in the post.

Thanks & Regards,


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Re: Need Help to write rules....

04 Jul 2013, 10:29


I re-read the whole topic and take my words back about the MIME type. Lets simply take a look at the rewrite.log and see how the request is processed. Logging issues are described in FAQ -


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Re: Need Help to write rules....

11 Jul 2013, 01:18

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Re: Need Help to write rules....

11 Jul 2013, 11:10


Please, try:

Code: Select all
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^mazda\.com\.my$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^mailman/admindb/allmazda_mazda\.com\.my$ [NC,R=301,L]

Or do you rather want more universal rule?


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Re: Need Help to write rules....

15 Jul 2013, 00:23

Thank You Andrew for your help.

I have put the rule to ISAPI_rewrite config file. But as you see its doesn't work.

Did i put the rule in wrong place? Where should i put the rule?

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Re: Need Help to write rules....

15 Jul 2013, 00:26

Thanks Andrew for your awesome help.

I want only this specific url to be redirected.

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Re: Need Help to write rules....

15 Jul 2013, 08:44

1) In this case make sure ISAPI_Rewrite is working at all by following FAQ -

2) You also need to have these lines on top of your config:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /

3) The rule should be in .htaccess or httpd.conf.


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Re: Need Help to write rules....

16 Jul 2013, 01:47

Hello Andrew,

Thank you your help. I will do that.

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Re: Need Help to write rules....

18 Jul 2013, 04:32


my rule is:

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^at\.1234\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^try/1234/ABC\ Library/Credentials\ and\ Experience/1234\ Experience\ Industrial\ abc\.pptx$ /capital/GLibrary/15af43f7\%2D1625\%2D4381\%2D885c\%2D55299c087bae [NC,R=301,L,NE]

i am missing "?" in end of line my i know what is the impact of "?".

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^at\.1234\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^try/1234/ABC\ Library/Credentials\ and\ Experience/1234\ Experience\ Industrial\ abc\.pptx$ /capital/GLibrary/15af43f7\%2D1625\%2D4381\%2D885c\%2D55299c087bae? [NC,R=301,L,NE]


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Re: Need Help to write rules....

18 Jul 2013, 10:34


The '?' at the end of the rule prevents appending the querystring from original request.


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Re: Need Help to write rules....

19 Jul 2013, 02:50


In our production server already having 2000 query string rules, i am appending 23 rules below type

Source Url: Library/Credentials and Experience/1234 Experience Industrial abc.pptx

Redirect Url: ... 299c087bae

Rule is -

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^at\.1234\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^try/1234/ABC\ Library/Credentials\ and\ Experience/1234\ Experience\ Industrial\ abc\.pptx$ /capital/GLibrary/15af43f7\%2D1625\%2D4381\%2D885c\%2D55299c087bae [NC,R=301,L,NE]

then after i am getting web page cannot find(it looked like the user was getting redirected over and over in an infinite loop).

Missing '?' is the reason i am getting below error
web page cannot find(it looked like the user was getting redirected over and over in an infinite loop)

any help you could give would be appricated.

Thanks & Regards,

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Re: Need Help to write rules....

19 Jul 2013, 12:37

The rule is okay. It's hard to say why it is happening without seeing the whole picture(other rules) and the logs. Logging issues are described in FAQ -

Rewrite.log shows the processing of the request.


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