LinkFreeze on IIS7 64bit with rewrite

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LinkFreeze on IIS7 64bit with rewrite

15 May 2013, 18:35


I have an issue that pages without a file all links are not linkfreezed but when a site has a page e.g. /default.cfm then all links are freezes.


Include licenses.conf
Options All -StopOnError

LoadModule linkfreeze_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule setenvif_module modules/

RewriteLog rewrite.log
RewriteLogLevel 9
## Enable Linkfreeze

SetEnv mod_linkfreeze
#SetOutputFilter linkfreeze

# Helicon Ape version

#LinkFreezeEngine on
LinkFreezePageSizeLimit 4096
LinkFreezeRule ~~~ "*" [NoSort, MoveExt]

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^/Home(.*)\.html$ /Home.cfm\?id=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^/AgentHomes(.*)\.html$ /Agent_Homes.cfm\?id=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^/Agent(.*)\.html$ /Agent.cfm\?id=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^/Broker(.*)\.html$ /Broker.cfm\?id=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^/OfficeHomes(.*)\.html$ /Office_Homes.cfm\?id=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^/images/Dejablue(.*)\.gif$ /site/EmailTracker.cfm\?id=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^/location/([^/\.]+)$ /landing_page.cfm?uniquename=$1 [NC,QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^/gallery/?([^/\.]*)/?([^/\.]*)/?([^/\.]*)$ /gallery/default.cfm?p=$1&imagegroup=$2&imageid=$3 [NC,QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^/category/([^/\.]+)$ /_category.cfm?categorynameurl=$1 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^/offer/.*/([^/\.]+)$ /_offer.cfm?offerid=$1 [NC,L]

With this config the issue appears if I remove anything from httpd.conf linkfreeze does not work at all.

Thank you in advance for you help

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Re: LinkFreeze on IIS7 64bit with rewrite

16 May 2013, 05:24

Hello, Niko

Can you give an example of the URL for which LinkFreeze doesn't work.

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Re: LinkFreeze on IIS7 64bit with rewrite

16 May 2013, 07:08

Anton wrote:Hello, Niko

Can you give an example of the URL for which LinkFreeze doesn't work.

On the left side hoover over the link "Sold Homes" and verify the link. Then click on it and hoover over it again.

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Re: LinkFreeze on IIS7 64bit with rewrite

17 May 2013, 10:20

Hello, Niko

Please make sure that response from Condfusion doesn't come zipped.
Also, if necessary, switch off Flush in Coldfusion, 'cause otherwise it may bypass LinkFreeze.

And also check Ape error.log for possible error messages.

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Re: LinkFreeze on IIS7 64bit with rewrite

22 May 2013, 15:27

Thank you for your response. I checked both and none of the caches are on.

What exactly do you mean by "doesn't come zipped"

Thank you.

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Re: LinkFreeze on IIS7 64bit with rewrite

22 May 2013, 17:30

IS that what you meant? The smart_gzip_compression.conf file

LoadModule gzip_module modules/
LoadModule setenvif_module modules/
LoadModule headers_module modules/
LoadModule cache_module modules/

# By file extension
SetEnvIfNoCase request_uri \.mdb$ gzip=9
SetEnvIfNoCase request_uri \.bmp$ gzip cache-enable=mem
SetEnvIfNoCase request_uri \.(?:jpg|gif|png|swf|avi|rm)$ no-gzip

# By MIME type
SetEnvIfNoCase mime text/.* gzip=9 cache-enable=mem
SetEnvIfNoCase mime audio/wav gzip cache-enable=mem
SetEnvIfNoCase mime image/bmp gzip cache-enable=mem
SetEnvIfNoCase mime message/rfc822 gzip

SetEnvIfNoCase mime application/msword gzip
SetEnvIfNoCase mime application/postscript gzip
SetEnvIfNoCase mime application/ gzip
SetEnvIfNoCase mime application/ gzip
SetEnvIfNoCase mime application/ gzip
SetEnvIfNoCase mime application/x-javascript gzip cache-enable=mem
SetEnvIfNoCase mime application/x-msaccess gzip
SetEnvIfNoCase mime application/pdf gzip

# Exceptions for old browsers
#BrowserMatchNoCase \bOpera(?:\s5\.|/5) and mime application/.* no-gzip vary-agent !cache-enable
#BrowserMatchNoCase \bMozilla/4\.[67] and (mime application/.* or mime image/.*) no-gzip vary-agent !cache-enable
#BrowserMatchNoCase \bNetscape(?:6/6\.|/) and mime application/.* no-gzip vary-agent !cache-enable
#BrowserMatchNoCase \bFirefox/1 and mime application/pdf no-gzip vary-agent !cache-enable

SetEnvIfNoCase (mime text/css) or (mime image/jpeg) vary-agent
BrowserMatchNoCase \bMSIE\s[567]\. and (mime text/css or mime image/jpeg) no-gzip vary-agent !cache-enable

# Vary header should be properly set for caching
Header merge Vary User-Agent env=vary-agent

# Set expiry delta for static content.
# Dynamic pages should set expiry delta by oneself.
Header merge Cache-Control max-age=86400 env=cache-enable

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Re: LinkFreeze on IIS7 64bit with rewrite

23 May 2013, 10:04

Hello, Niko

"IS that what you meant? The smart_gzip_compression.conf file"
- not really, but I see it's not the issue.

Could you disable LinkFreeze for a minute, copy the actual source code of the page (we are interested to see which type of links is frozen fine and which not) and re-enable LinkFreeze. And send us the actual links.

Also, please enable logging in httpd.conf by putting

LogLevel debug

And check if there are any records related to LinkFreeze in error.log in Ape installation folder.

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Re: LinkFreeze on IIS7 64bit with rewrite

11 Jul 2014, 05:15

Hello, good, it seems interesting. And good help :) it is very useful

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Re: LinkFreeze on IIS7 64bit with rewrite

13 Apr 2015, 03:11

Thanks you


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