Include special characters on Back references to RewriteRule

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Include special characters on Back references to RewriteRule

20 Mar 2014, 12:41

Hi to all!

I've a problem with special characters in the value of the fields.

I've this rule:

Seorule Article\.asp\?Art=(.+) Article-$1/

ReWriteRule Article-(.+)/ TEST/Article.asp?Art=$1

If the value is a string without any special characters (such as $,%,&, # ecc) it's all good, but if
i've the field like this


the browser return 404 error.

I've tried to insert


instead of


but nothing change.

Where I fault?

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Re: Include special characters on Back references to Rewrite

20 Mar 2014, 18:59


This is not special character. The problem is that you're matching quesrystring wrong. Look at under "URLs with question mark don't work" in our FAQ


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