ISAPI Rewrite Special Characters

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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ISAPI Rewrite Special Characters

23 Mar 2013, 07:33

I am having a problem in a url, when i am trying to access i am getting a message

A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (<).

This is the current url

I want to remove
%3C%25=sSiteURL%25%3E (This String)

I want the url to be like this

Can anyone please help me in sorting this out


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Re: ISAPI Rewrite Special Characters

24 Mar 2013, 20:14


Do you want this rule to be generic and handle more than 1 URL, or is it supposed to be a single-url rule.


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Re: ISAPI Rewrite Special Characters

25 Mar 2013, 04:49

I want this rule to be generic and handle more than 1 url's

You help would be much more appreciated

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Re: ISAPI Rewrite Special Characters

25 Mar 2013, 11:18


Lets try with the following:

Code: Select all
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^www\.abc\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule \<\%=sSiteURL\%\>(.*) /$1 [NC,R=301,L]

You may need to try using NE or NU flag for this rule, in addition to NC,R=301, and L.


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