ISAPI Redirect 3 Filter 301 Redirect with subdomain

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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ISAPI Redirect 3 Filter 301 Redirect with subdomain

04 Sep 2013, 11:36

I'm very new in terms of writing rules for ISAPI Rewrite 3 from Helicon (licensed version) to be used for IIS6. I need to write 90+ rules for different pages from "" to "", and I'm not very familiar with RegEx patterns. Unfortunately, these sites don't mirror, so doing a simple query string append won't work.

Example: Redirect "" to ""

I have a pretty good start on it, however the furthest I've gotten is to get a specific page redirect to work. I need to get it down to the specific ID for some of these pages to redirect differently. Currently, the code I have for the web page redirect to Google (just for testing purposes) is

Code: Select all
# Helicon ISAPI_Rewrite configuration file
# Version

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(subfolder.html)/?(.*)$ [NC,R=301,L]

NOTE: I just created a simple website with the following pages:
- /index.html
- /subfolder/subfolder.html
- /subfolder/subfolder2.html
- /subdir/subdir.html

According to the previous code, "/subfolder/subfolder.html" redirects to Google and the others show the page normally. For testing purposes, I've been trying to append "id=1" to redirect to YouTube and "id=2" to redirect to Facebook, and neither of those are working at the moment. The code for that is

Code: Select all
RewriteRule ^(subfolder2.html\?id=1)$ [NC,R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^(subfolder2.html\?id=2)$ [NC,R=301,L]

All I need is to get a pattern that works, then I can modify it from there to make it work for the rest of the pages.

Thank you for any responses!

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Re: ISAPI Redirect 3 Filter 301 Redirect with subdomain

04 Sep 2013, 19:18


Please, take a look at "URLs with question mark don't work" in FAQ ( this will help you resolve the problem.


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Re: ISAPI Redirect 3 Filter 301 Redirect with subdomain

05 Sep 2013, 12:10

Thank you for the response. I tried altering that a bit to work with my need, and it's still not redirecting at all.

Here's the new code I have
Code: Select all
RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) ^id=(\d+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^subfolder2\.html$ [NC,R=301,L]

And here's the Rewrite.log that I have with it
Code: Select all  Thu, 05-Sep-2013  10:06:43 GMT [][rid#19444472/initial] (2) init rewrite engine with requested uri /subfolder/subfolder2.html?id=1  Thu, 05-Sep-2013  10:06:43 GMT [][rid#19444472/initial] (1) Htaccess process request C:\Program Files\Helicon\ISAPI_Rewrite3\httpd.conf  Thu, 05-Sep-2013  10:06:43 GMT [][rid#19444472/initial] (1) Htaccess process request c:\projects\isapiredirecttestpage\.htaccess  Thu, 05-Sep-2013  10:06:43 GMT [][rid#19444472/initial] (3) applying pattern '^subfolder2\.html$' to uri 'subfolder/subfolder2.html'

I can see from the log file that it's correctly seeing the query string, but it doesn't seem to be going passed that. It looks as though the pattern may still be wrong.

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Re: ISAPI Redirect 3 Filter 301 Redirect with subdomain

05 Sep 2013, 21:32


Correct, the following line tells you exactly why:

Code: Select all
(3) applying pattern '^subfolder2\.html$' to uri 'subfolder/subfolder2.html'

You request "/subfolder/subfolder2.html?id=XYZ" and the pattern in the rule requires the path to start with /subfolder2.html?id=XYZ
Just tweak the rule a little more... and create several variations of it to match all possible scenarios.


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