How to match "?" in the condition?

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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How to match "?" in the condition?

04 Mar 2014, 15:48


now I have switched from ISAPI_Rewrite 2.x to 3.0. I have used the "SyntaxConverter" to convert my old 2.x-rule:

RewriteRule (.*/on-demand)/(.+)\?(.+) $1/on-demand.asp?$3 [I,L]

to the new 3.x-format:

RewriteRule ^(.*/on-demand)/(.+)\?(.+)$ $1/on-demand.asp?$3 [NC]

The request-URL is:


and it should be rewritten to:


But the new rule doesn't match, also not in the RegexTest.exe tool. The problem seems to be the \? in the condition, because if I chance the \? for example to \! and modify the request URL to "...pls!user=...", it is working well.

Can anybody help me?

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Re: How to match "?" in the condition?

05 Mar 2014, 00:48


There're several issues I can spot right away.

Code: Select all
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /

## /on-demand/stream20140125-2030.pls?user=Michael  -->/on-demand/on-demand.asp?user=Michael
RewriteRule ^on-demand/.+ /on-demand/on-demand.asp [NC,QSA,L]


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