How to do a permanent rewrite?

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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How to do a permanent rewrite?

14 Mar 2014, 10:31


Original url http://localhost/bgh/Hogar_Personas_Cocinas_Quickchef

But i want to permanently rewrite to http://localhost/bgh/BghQuickChef

I'm using this Rule to redirect BghQuickChef to Hogar_Personas_Cocinas_Quickchef.

If i'm not clear please let me know!!


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Re: How to do a permanent rewrite?

14 Mar 2014, 15:10

Found the way!

RewriteRule ^Hogar_Personas_Cocinas_Quickchef\.aspx BghQuickChef [R=301,NC,L]

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