Helicon APE not SetEnvIf not working

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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Helicon APE not SetEnvIf not working

04 Feb 2017, 16:45

I have 2 websites, running the same code, on 2 different servers. The one on shared hosting, with an older version of APE works fine, the second one running on an enterprise server, running the latest version of APE, doesn't work.

The bit of code in question is as follows:


Basically I'm trying to pass the original requested url to the redirected page. All the redirect rules work just fine.

If this is a bug, is there an alternative way to pass the original URL to the redirected one?


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Re: Helicon APE not SetEnvIf not working

06 Feb 2017, 09:59


Please read here: https://www.helicontech.com/ape/doc/mod ... tm#Options the section regarding "NeverChangeServerVariables" option.
You can turn old behavior back by putting the following line into your httpd.conf:

Options -NeverChangeServerVariables

Please note that if you attempt to change some certain variables that already exist, like HTTP_HOST, etc. this will lead to an ugly IIS worker process crash, with dropped connections, restart, etc. This is not our bug, but we have to live with it. Alternatively, you may just use HTTP headers. Normally Ape will fill "X-Rewrite-URL:" HTTP header with originally requested URL automatically. Just refer to it as to HTTP header from your app code, not as server variable.

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Re: Helicon APE not SetEnvIf not working

10 Jul 2017, 02:22

Please note that if you attempt to change some certain variables that already exist, like HTTP_HOST, etc. this will lead to an ugly IIS worker process crash, with dropped connections, restart, etc. This is not our bug, but we have to live with it. Alternatively, you may just use HTTP headers. Normally Ape will fill "X-Rewrite-URL: click here

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Re: Helicon APE not SetEnvIf not working

28 Aug 2017, 01:47

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Re: Helicon APE not SetEnvIf not working

04 Nov 2017, 09:43

Please note that if you attempt to change some certain variables that already exist, like HTTP_HOST, etc. this will lead to an ugly IIS worker process crash, with dropped connections, restart, etc. This is not our bug, but we have to live with it. Alternatively, you may just use HTTP headers. Normally Ape will fill "X-Rewrite-URL: <a href="https://www.surveillancekart.com">click here</a>

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Re: Helicon APE not SetEnvIf not working

12 Dec 2017, 08:19

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