HTAccess Rule limit?

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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HTAccess Rule limit?

16 Jul 2013, 10:20


I have a slightly odd problem here and I am really unsure what is going awry...

We regularly clean up the crawl errors we pick up in Google Webmaster tools and usually this is simply a process of 301ing old pages which are trying to resurface - half way through this months clean up however we have hit a snag - no new rules are working.

The following 3 rules were part of this clean up:

RewriteRule ^/fathers_day_offers.aspx(.*)$ /special-offers/ [NC,L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^/promosFame.aspx(.*)$ /special-offers/ [NC,L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^/christmas_promotions.aspx(.*)$ /special-offers/ [NC,L,R=301]

the first 2 worked fine as usual but the last rule and any new ones I add wont work - it applies fine and works in the RegExp test but does not work Live...

any ideas?

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Re: HTAccess Rule limit?

16 Jul 2013, 23:47


There's no limit and the rule looks legit. However, the case may be that some other, more generic rule took over and matched before this rule(to test it, move the rule up to the top of the file).
Another thing you can do - take a look at the logs. Logging issues are described in FAQ -


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Re: HTAccess Rule limit?

17 Jul 2013, 06:38

Hi Andrew

Oddly enough it seems to have fixed itself overnight - we came in to all the new redirects working not just the first half...

thanks for your help anyway.

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