Helicon Zoo Module 500 Error

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Helicon Zoo Module 500 Error

23 May 2012, 11:25

I am attempting to set up my rails application on IIS using Helicon Zoo. In order to deploy to production I need the ability to disable the informative 500 error messages the Zoo module generates when there is an error as this is a security violation in our organization. Is there a way to disable or overide the default Zoo Module 500 error screen?


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Re: Helicon Zoo Module 500 Error

23 May 2012, 18:10

In default IIS 7 behavior only local requests will get detailed error pages. Any request from remote client will get a simple IIS 7 error page in response. You can control this behavior on Error Pages snap-in in IIS control panel, using "Edit feature settings" under right click.
Alternatively you can use Helicon Ape with ErrorDocument directive to have more control over error processing.

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Re: Helicon Zoo Module 500 Error

01 Sep 2017, 14:41

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