- Introduction
- Installation
- Working with ISAPI_Rewrite
- ISAPI_Rewrite directives
- Examples
- Troubleshooting
- Release notes
Installation process
Please read system requirements section before running installation. Download and run ISAPI_RewriteXXXX.msi. Follow instructions from the installation wizard. Installation process is automatic and self-describing. ISAPI_Rewrite will restart IIS during automatic installation, the following services will be restarted: IISADMIN, W3SVC. Also there is no need to manually add any ISAPI filters or extensions to the site or global lists. It will be done automatically during installation and configuration process.
Command line installation
ISAPI_Rewrite can be installed quietly from the command line. Please use the following command line syntax for installation:
msiexec /i ISAPI_Rewrite3.msi /qn AcceptEULA=Yes REGISTRATIONCODE=Code REGISTRATIONNAME=Name
Where ISAPI_Rewrite3.msi is the name of ISAPI_Rewrite MSI package file, AcceptEULA=Yes indicates your acceptance of EULA, REGISTRATIONCODE and REGISTRATIONNAME are optional.
To uninstall ISAPI_Rewrite quietly from command line use following syntax:
msiexec /x ISAPI_Rewrite3.msi /qn KEEPUSERFILES=Yes