Serving custom Django error pages

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Serving custom Django error pages

27 Nov 2013, 14:22


Currently it seems that Zoo takes control over error pages and shows them instead Django custom ones.

Any idea how let Django handle the errors?


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Re: Serving custom Django error pages

28 Nov 2013, 07:57


IIS has settings how to process errors from handlers.
In order to get error responses from django app you must set 'Detailed errors' in Error Pages settings for the website.


Thank you.

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Re: Serving custom Django error pages

28 Nov 2013, 14:51


I tried changing the site error pages feature both to custom and detailed errors, but still see the Zoo ones?


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Re: Serving custom Django error pages

29 Nov 2013, 06:30


could you show me the error page you see.
500 error page from Zoo ussually appears when problem out of django.

Thank you.

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Re: Serving custom Django error pages

29 Nov 2013, 12:49


These are the settings:

And this the error:


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Re: Serving custom Django error pages

02 Dec 2013, 07:16


could you please show full Zoo error page.
Looks like this error is in python code.

Thank you.

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Re: Serving custom Django error pages

02 Dec 2013, 10:40


The problem is indeed in Python code - my question is how we show our custom error screens (handled by Django error handling), rather then by Zoo?


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Re: Serving custom Django error pages

02 Dec 2013, 12:12

Zoo pass through any responses from workers (Django app in our case), also with 4xx and 5xx HTTP statues by default.
If your has
Code: Select all
and you has 404.html and 500.html templates, then django error pages will be showed without any settings.

Thank you.

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Re: Serving custom Django error pages

03 Dec 2013, 14:20

Just to clarify, by 404.html and 500.html templates you mean the Django error templates?


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Re: Serving custom Django error pages

04 Dec 2013, 19:56

Thanks, works fine now.

Had to set errors to detailed, and Debug to False indeed :).

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