Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

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Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

21 Nov 2013, 14:42


I tried using remote console on git pull operation and it hanged up the whole server on git pull operation.

Any idea what the limitations of the console, and how we can use it without causing such effects?


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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

22 Nov 2013, 07:49

It may be a bug in console.
Please relate in details what you did step by step and what you mean by "hanged up the whole server"?
In case it's a crash you will see it in Windows application event log. Check the details to see if IIS or Zoo are mentioned.
Another thing is that console has a timeout: it the client is closed, console will automatically close in about 10 minutes and will also close git commands

"Any idea what the limitations of the console"
- could you clarify what do you mean here

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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

25 Nov 2013, 05:21

When I try to git pull via console I get the following error:
Could not create directory '/c/Windows/system32/config/systemprofile/.ssh'.
When I try to use a different command after the error all commands don't respond.
I see nothing on event viewer application logs.
Any ideas how to solve this issue?

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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

25 Nov 2013, 07:10


You can try to click Cancel in the right bottom corner of the console.
But it really looks like a bug and we'll try to reproduce this behavior and fix it.

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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

26 Nov 2013, 11:26

We've tested the issue and it is a bug. The console was hanging up. In a day or two a new release will address the issue.
Thank you!


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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

27 Nov 2013, 14:18


(Overhelming is working with me).

How do we upgrade existing sites - just re-deploy the Python template?


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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

28 Nov 2013, 13:13

Enjoy! ))

Get the new module from the beta-feed. There's no need to redeploy anything on the site after installation.


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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

28 Nov 2013, 14:00


I've added the beta-feed (had to remove regular feed), but still does not see any latest updates in modules list?

The latest one is Ralio from 26/11.


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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

29 Nov 2013, 06:33


You seem to be looking at the wrong place. You should check the version of Helicon Zoo module.

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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

29 Nov 2013, 12:13


This what I get:

As you see the feed is beta, perhaps some way to refresh the WebPI?

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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

02 Dec 2013, 06:58


You are still looking at the wrong place.
In the left menu select Modules and find Helicon Zoo module for iis7

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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

02 Dec 2013, 10:38


Here are the modules (including IIS8 as we have Windows 2012), but they all from 2012?

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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

03 Dec 2013, 10:23

The date you mentioned is not the date of the last update but the date of first module release, so don't pay attention to it.
You need to select 'Helicon Zoo Module' to update.

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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

03 Dec 2013, 14:17

Thanks, trying it now.

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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

04 Dec 2013, 16:33


After we added the beta feed I'm still getting the error on console when trying to pull code from git.
The error is identical:
git pull
Could not create directory '/c/Windows/system32/config/systemprofile/.ssh'.
and then the console hangs up leaving me unable to use it for any other commands.
Any ideas?

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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

05 Dec 2013, 08:21


It's difficult to identify your issue from the information you provide.
Is it possible to have a remote access to your server to see the situation and the settings live?
And it would be great to have some test site to experiment with that it would be possible to stop and debug.

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Re: Remote console hangs the whole server on git operations

18 Dec 2013, 13:38


Sent you a PM with server details.


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