Setting custom django.wsgi entries

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Setting custom django.wsgi entries

07 Nov 2013, 11:40


Our app requires the following entries setup in django.wsgi:

PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__)
INNER_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'app')

sys.path.insert(0, PROJECT_ROOT)
sys.path.insert(1, INNER_ROOT)

Any idea where to insert them in Helicon Zoo?


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Re: Setting custom django.wsgi entries

08 Nov 2013, 06:40


There is a two ways to update PYTHONPATH:

1. Update PYTHONPATH environment variable in heliconZoo/application/environmentVariables section of web.config. Use %APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH% to get current directory:

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <application name="python.project">
                    <add name="PYTHONPATH" value="%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\venv\lib\site-packages;%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\venv\lib;%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%;%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\project" />

2. Update your custom wsgi file and specify his path in web.config:

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <application name="python.project">
                    <add name="PYTHONPATH" value="%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\venv\lib\site-packages;%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\venv\lib;%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%;%APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH%\project" />
                    <add name="WSGI_APP" value="your.wsgi" />                    ...

Note in this case you should move setup of DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE env variable from web.config to your wsgi file.

Also you can install Python App Template ... oject.html
and look at our instructions to run different python apps.

Thank you!

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Re: Setting custom django.wsgi entries

10 Nov 2013, 08:27


Tried the 2nd approach:
<add name="WSGI_APP" value="app\django.wsgi" />

Getting error now:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Zoo\Workers\python\", line 1072, in <module>
File "C:\Zoo\Workers\python\", line 1007, in run_wsgi_app
wsgi_app = import_function(wsgi_app_path)
File "C:\Zoo\Workers\python\", line 1021, in import_function
m = getattr(m, comp)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'wsgi'

Any idea?

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Re: Setting custom django.wsgi entries

11 Nov 2013, 07:05


WSGI_APP is python-style modules path, not filesystem path.
So if your python module named 'app' (contains file, located in PYTHONPATH) and it has with wsgi function, then your WSGI_APP is

Please see more at

Also you can install Python App Template
and look at our example with running WSGI application.

If you show the structure of the project and your file with wsgi application, i can give a more specific answer.

Thank you.

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Re: Setting custom django.wsgi entries

17 Nov 2013, 13:09

Thanks, sorted out via the 1st approach.

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