Website access slow in JAVA

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Website access slow in JAVA

12 Nov 2013, 14:20

Our customers keeps complains that the website access was slow. not always but it will when it was not accessed for 2-3 hr and then when it get accessed its take litttle more time. why ?

its for same for war deploy and jsp.

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Re: Website access slow in JAVA

13 Nov 2013, 06:31


The reason may be the following: IIS might close its w3wp.exe worker and there is a Zoo module residing in it and therefore it closes Java as well.
Please try to set longer IDLE Timeout in application pool settings or completely switch it off.

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Re: Website access slow in JAVA

15 Nov 2013, 04:36

How do i do that ?

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Re: Website access slow in JAVA

15 Nov 2013, 05:06

thanks i got it.
i did it but no result.
it appear same !!

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