Creating offline Python package with native libs?

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Creating offline Python package with native libs?

01 Nov 2013, 01:53


I'm test-driving Zoo for our IIS deployment, and very like what I see.
The performance on 2012 is especially one of the strong points, you've done a great job!

As we will need to install to servers closed to Internet, I've read the offline packages guide, and while all clear, I have a question standing:
In the event we need native libs (Pillow, pycrypto, pyodbc, etc...), how it's possible to package them to offline installation as well?


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Re: Creating offline Python package with native libs?

01 Nov 2013, 07:26


The easiest way to add native modules to your app is to install them (or simply copy them) directly into virtualenv located in the app in developer environment and then commit it. When the app is deployed in production, it will already have virtualenv with all necessary dependencies.

Offline installation can be used for products added into Web Platform Installed feed only.

Thank you.

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Re: Creating offline Python package with native libs?

05 Nov 2013, 17:16

So the best way is to install them right into the virtual environment, and then export the whole site?

Then on host with Python hosted package, it will work out of box?

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Re: Creating offline Python package with native libs?

06 Nov 2013, 06:12

Yes, that's right.

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Re: Creating offline Python package with native libs?

07 Nov 2013, 11:37


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