Rack error when doing web requests

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Rack error when doing web requests

11 Oct 2013, 20:02

I have a Sinatra (Rack) app that makes request to a FileMaker database using the ginjo-rfm gem. I can get to my app and navigate between pages fine, but once I hit a controller that makes an external request there is a short delay due to the request, and then as the response comes back, Helicon Zoo shows the error page saying:

500 Error

Helicon Zoo module has caught up an error. Please see the details below.

Worker Status

Windows error
The pipe has been ended. (ERROR CODE: 109)

Internal module error
message: Connection has broken
type: ZooException
file: ZooApplication.cpp
line: 890

I am not getting an exception from Sinatra/Ruby so I assume this is happening inside Zoo. Any ideas?

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Re: Rack error when doing web requests

14 Oct 2013, 05:42


It look like the worker has closed. There must be an exception logged in /logs/ subfolder under site folder.
Please check and send them to us.

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