Node.JS application

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Node.JS application

18 Aug 2013, 09:11

Can Helicon Zoo be used for creating Node.js application, not entire site.
Assume there is the following folders structure:


I want requests to http://localhost/index.php be served by PHP,
but all requests beginning with http://localhost/node/ be served by Node.js with paths relative to /node/
Node.js handler is added in wwwroot\node\web.config. Adding allowPathInfo="true" or "false" to Node.js handler doesn't change anything. Requests to http://localhost/node/users/1 are seen as '/node/users/1' in req.url instead of '/users/1' in app.js Node.js application.
Is there any way to pass relative paths to Node.js?

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Re: Node.JS application

18 Aug 2013, 15:26

To install Node.js application into subfolder simply use Web Platform Installer Zoo -> Templates and install Node.js project template into the folder you need.

As for relative path, I guess this needs to be worked around somehow inside Node.js application, because when you request http://localhost/node/users/1 you are really requesting '/node/users/1' and this is what is passed to the application. Most application frameworks has built in tools to work with relative path, I'm sure Node.js has as well.

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