Node.JS and WebMatrix

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Node.JS and WebMatrix

16 Aug 2013, 09:41

Is this article still actual?
I am using Windows Server 2008 R2. I followed article, but there was no IIS Express installed on my PC. So there was no WebMatrix Templates item in Web Platform Installer list.
I decided to install IIS express and re-install everything. I removed Helicon Zoo and Node.JS through Control Panel\Programs And Features, install IIS Express 8.
And now I can not follow the article, and install Helicon Zoo, because Web Platform Installer shows that Node.JS hosting package is installed, but it doesn't.

How can I fix this situation?

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Re: Node.JS and WebMatrix

16 Aug 2013, 10:02


Sorry, the article became outdated. Now you should install WPI -> Zoo -> Templates -> Node.js project

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Re: Node.JS and WebMatrix

16 Aug 2013, 14:22

Yes, the article is outdated, sorry once again. We have released Zoo 3.0 and rewriting these articles to comply with latest version. Currently Ruby and Django article has been updated. Please read this article, it is for Ruby on Rails, but many parts would be identical for Node.js: And yes, you gonna need Node.js project template from Web Platform Installer to start your project.

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