Upgrade from Lite to full version issue

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Upgrade from Lite to full version issue

11 May 2012, 11:10


We've just switched over from the Lite version to full version for ISAPI Rewrite 3.0.
The .conf is being published by the client directly along with the CMS publish of the website.
I need to then manually copy the .conf to the Helicon installation folder in C: drive.

Please suggest how to ensure the .conf gets updated automatically without manual intervension.

Is it possible to use the .htaccess for this purpose? How?

Thanks in advance for the help!

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Re: Upgrade from Lite to full version issue

14 May 2012, 06:00

Shouldn't be a problem. You simply copy the content of httpd.conf in ISAPI_Rewrite Manager.
All the issues must be described in error.log. You can find how to enable logging is FAQ


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Re: Upgrade from Lite to full version issue

17 May 2012, 10:58

We could do that in the Lite Version too. There was no point in buying the full version then.
We were aiming to get this thing automated.
Any idea how can the .htaccess be utilised for the purpose?

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Re: Upgrade from Lite to full version issue

18 May 2012, 06:11

I'm not sure what exactly we're talking about.
Syntax for .htaccess and http.conf is the same. All you need is to make sure permissions are set correctly for reading .htaccess and all you patterns should start with "XXXX/YYY", not "/XXXX/YYY".

In case you have any issues with that, please, provide error.log and rewrite.log. It's hard to tall what's wrong without logs.


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