Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 seconds

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Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 seconds

08 May 2013, 11:12

Hi, I installed the default version of Redmine from Zoo on a private page (very little traffic). After a few minutes of no traffic, if we access the page again, it takes 5 to 10 seconds to load. After this initial delay it responds very quickly until we go idle for a few minutes again. I made sure the hard drive doesn't spin down after inactivity, and there is no delay in accessing the server. Is there a configuration parameter to keep the application alive?

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

11 May 2013, 06:25

HeliconZoo should keep 1 worker of ruby always

Please check IIS recycling options, and send to us ZooError.log in the site folder

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

13 May 2013, 07:05


It would be nice to get remote access to your server or arrange an online meeting to see what goes wrong.
If that's possible, please provide access credentials (in case of RDC) or specify what timezone you are in and what time/date is suitable for you (in case of meeting).

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

14 May 2013, 14:00

There is no ZooError.log in the site folder (or site/log)

in site/log there is production.log and many rails.project[yyyy_mm_dd hh_mm_ss] worker-1.log files

Each worker-1.log file has only one line in it, which just sounds like a warning:
C:/inetpub/httpsroot/redmine/vendor/gems/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.2.11/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:251:in `block in require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead.

This is the tail of production.log (I loaded the redmine home page twice, the first time took almost 10 seconds to load, and the second time was instantaneous):

Started GET "/redmine" for at 2013-05-14 11:32:37 -0500
Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML
Current user: ronan (id=3)
Rendered welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/base (327.6ms)
Completed 200 OK in 1466ms (Views: 624.0ms | ActiveRecord: 218.4ms)
Started GET "/redmine" for at 2013-05-14 11:41:17 -0500
Processing by WelcomeController#index as HTML
Current user: ronan (id=3)
Rendered welcome/index.html.erb within layouts/base (0.0ms)
Completed 200 OK in 31ms (Views: 15.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

I'm in EST time zone, does 10am EST tomorrow ( May 15 ) morning work for you?

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

14 May 2013, 14:02

IIS Recycling is set to Regular time interval: 1740 minutes.

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

14 May 2013, 19:01

I will actually be busy all day tomorrow, so 10am EST Thursday May 16th would be better for me.

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

15 May 2013, 05:15


Would you mind cooperating with us a little. We'll provide you with a debug build that will write information to DebugView, but otherwise it will work the same way.
This will help us understand what is going on, 'cause if there are no logs, there are no errors.

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

15 May 2013, 08:48

As long as it doesn't affect the existing data that should be ok. Send me a link to download the debug build and instructions for installing without damaging existing data.

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

15 May 2013, 09:50


Please download the following dlls:

and replace the ones you have here C:\Zoo\NativeModule\*.dll with those downloaded.

Install DebugView, put a tick in menu Capture\Capture global
You should get some records when your issue occurs again. Please send us what you get to [email protected]
Then you can put the old dlls back.

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

01 Jul 2013, 22:39

Hi, Any progress on this issue?
I'm having the same symptom.
It takes 5-10 seconds after idle, for couple of minutes.
I'm running Remine on Zoo with mysql 5.6 and ImageMagick 6.8.6, Mercurial 2.6

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

02 Jul 2013, 07:27

I've downloaded the dll's and DebugView shows like this:
00000768 1500.10961914 [108] [HeliconZoo] Thread:3388 - WorkersManager::calculateNeededWorkers. 0
00000769 6549.93457031 [2480] 3628 iisutil!ReadMultiStringParameterValueFromAnyService [helpfunc.cxx @ 490]:Inetinfo: Failed reading registry value
00000770 6549.93457031 [2480] Error(80070002): The system cannot find the file specified.
00000771 6549.93457031 [2480]
00000772 6549.94531250 [2480] [HeliconZoo] Thread:3632 - WorkersManager::CreateFirstWorker.
00000773 6549.94531250 [2480] [HeliconZoo] Thread:3632 - WorkersManager::createNewWorker.
00000774 6549.94873047 [2480] [HeliconZoo] Thread:3632 - WorkersManager::addWorker.
00000775 6550.21484375 [3920] [zack][tid-8803056] *** ZACK ***
00000776 6551.02978516 [3920] [zack][tid-8803056] Rack version: 1.4
00000777 6551.94482422 [2480] [HeliconZoo] Thread:4624 - WorkersManager::calculateNeededWorkers. 0
00000778 6553.94482422 [2480] [HeliconZoo] Thread:4624 - WorkersManager::calculateNeededWorkers. 0

Seems like inetinfo(or ruby on rails) is trying to load something, but I don't know whats missing.

I downloaded and installed Redmine and Zoo using Web Platform Installer.
My environment is
Windows 7 + IIS 7.5
Redmine 2.2.2 stable
Ruby 1.9.3(i386-mingw32)
Rails 3.2.11MySQL 5.6, ImageMagick 6.8.6, Mercurial 2.6.

Hope this information is useful for you to fix this problem.

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

02 Jul 2013, 11:55

Ruby.exe takes about 50 percents of processor resources in windows task manager during that 10 seconds.
Is there anything I can do to see what ruby.exe is doing?
I'm a total newbie to ruby.

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

03 Jul 2013, 10:46

This is what fixed it for me:

Open Application Pools in IIS Manager
Right click the Redmine App Pool and click Advanced Settings
Change Idle Time-out to 0

The delay was happening because the worker process was shutting down after being idle, and then startup takes a long time when you return to the page.

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Re: Redmine on Zoo initial load after idle takes 5-10 second

04 Jul 2013, 00:17

ski wrote:This is what fixed it for me:

Open Application Pools in IIS Manager
Right click the Redmine App Pool and click Advanced Settings
Change Idle Time-out to 0

The delay was happening because the worker process was shutting down after being idle, and then startup takes a long time when you return to the page.

This works! Thanks!

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