Automatic authentication for Single Sign On

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Automatic authentication for Single Sign On

08 May 2012, 12:10


I was wondering if we can make use of isapi rewrite to automatically authenticate with an app that is hosted on tomcat 6.0.

When I enter the url of the app in Internet Explorer 7, for example, http://serverA:12345, I will be faced with an authentication challenge. After typing in, I'll be able to see the main page of the app.


So for that, I was wondering if the software is able to help to authenticate at http://serverA:12345, using the following requests:

1) http://serverA:12345?username=user1
2) username inside the http header

The purpose for the above is the desire for having single sign on in the environment.


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Re: Automatic authentication for Single Sign On

09 May 2012, 22:50


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Re: Automatic authentication for Single Sign On

10 May 2012, 07:21


Your request #1 could be done using the following rule:

Code: Select all
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^([^=]+)=([^&]+)$
RewriteProxy ^$ http://%1:%2@serverA:12345/ [CR,L]

Unofrtunately, your second request can not be done using ISAPI_Rewrite.


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Re: Automatic authentication for Single Sign On

10 May 2012, 12:12


thanks for the reply.

Looking at the code, I was thinking, could it mean that we can automatically authenticate with a page using this format:

http://<username>:<password>@website:port/ ?

I wasn't able to get that to work by typing that into Internet Explorer.

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Re: Automatic authentication for Single Sign On

11 May 2012, 05:13

Yes, initially I was thinking about:

Code: Select all
RewriteProxy /XXX http://username:password@serverA:12345/XXX [CR,L]

Does it work directly put in browser with like http://username:password@serverA:12345/ ???


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Re: Automatic authentication for Single Sign On

15 May 2012, 12:52


it doesn't work.

authentication 2.JPG
authentication 2.JPG (36.88 KiB) Viewed 5329 times

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Re: Automatic authentication for Single Sign On

16 May 2012, 07:27

This might not work in all browsers, especially in explorer.

And the main thing here is that our proxy module can understand and send these credentials as header to back end. This works only for basic-authentication.


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Re: Automatic authentication for Single Sign On

17 May 2012, 23:16

I don't understand what you mean.

Our work is to be done using Internet Explorer.

The main page redirects to another page (the one that requires authentication) and to avoid having to login again, we're thinking of using this piece of software.

So is it ok or not ok?

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Re: Automatic authentication for Single Sign On

18 May 2012, 06:01

Lets see,

you want authentication to be done while proxying for you, right?

We suggest that you request some made up URL that would match a pattern in rewrite rule and proxy and authenticate for you. Here's the rule:

Code: Select all
RewriteProxy /test http://user:pass@backend/test

and the request you'll need to do is: http://frontend/test

I was saying that user:pass@backend/test can not be requested in explorer as it is not supported in explorer.


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