"Use IIS as reverse proxy" sample problems

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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"Use IIS as reverse proxy" sample problems

27 Apr 2012, 07:03

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^mappoint(.+)$ http://sitedomain$1 [NC,P]

I follow this sample and test on my server, It works, But it acted like Redirect rather than Rewrite
When a client request hit the rule, it will redirect to the destination, and show the real URL (destination URL) to the user.

Why's that?

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Re: "Use IIS as reverse proxy" sample problems

27 Apr 2012, 07:19


Please, provide information about your IIS, verify your version of ISAPI_Rewrite. If it's LITE proxy could cause redirect. There're specific limitation for LITE version - here

You may also provide error.log and rewrite.log. Logging issues described in FAQ


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Re: "Use IIS as reverse proxy" sample problems

27 Apr 2012, 07:56

Ohh i see.
In errorlog, it says: Flag [P] require Full version of ISAPI_Rewrite

Have a try with trial version later.

Thanks for your reply

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Re: "Use IIS as reverse proxy" sample problems

30 Apr 2012, 20:27

I have the trial version of ISAPI_Rewrite 3.0. I am also trying to do reverse proxy in IIS.

I am trying to reverse proxy to a site on the same server but am having no luck and I believe I don't understand what is needed.

The first site is on port 8080 but the second site will be on port 80. I have tried the following but just not working nor do I really understand the syntax.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^win2008-002:8080(.+)$ http://win2008$1 [NC,P]

Am I missing something? is there a list of config files anywhere that I can use to help guide me on this?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: "Use IIS as reverse proxy" sample problems

03 May 2012, 05:10


For the Host you need to create a separate rule:

Code: Select all
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^win2008-002:8080$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ http://win2008/$1 [NC,P]


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