WebPI Install Issues

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WebPI Install Issues

15 Mar 2012, 14:07

I am having an issue with the Web Platform Installer 3. The Ruby Hosting Package does not install. Almost every component fails. I was able to circumvent the majority of the issues by manually installing the ruby versions and gems that were required…or…by selecting certain modules individually (although this did not work for all of them). I am down to my last two issues…Sinatra and Goliath. I have manually added them from a command prompt and have the required versions installed (not the most recent) according to this install file: http://www.helicontech.com/zoo/media/pa ... kage_2.cmd

For the majority of components, simply installing them manually and restarting WebPI was enough to get WebPI to recognize that they were in fact installed. WebPI will NOT recognize that Sinatra and Goliath are installed and I have no idea where to go from here.

Both Goliath and Sinatra display as 0 byte files in WebPI…not sure if this matters.

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Re: WebPI Install Issues

16 Mar 2012, 08:19

What components have actually failed? Did you try and install the .cmd file separately?
Do you install the package for IIS or IIS Express?

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Re: WebPI Install Issues

30 May 2012, 23:49

I get a similar issue. Using IISExpress+Windows XP. Trying to install the ruby hosting package.

I've attached the webpi log files
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Re: WebPI Install Issues

25 Jul 2012, 02:42

I tried it on a windows server machine and had the same issue. (Using a newer version of webpi though).

Luckily this version output the commands zoo was running. Then the problem was obvious, its running terminal commands and failing to use the proxy!. A proxy defined in webPI etc, won't be passed through to the terminal.

Got rails 3 installed by running commands one by one, setting the correct proxy in the terminal. (set http_proxy= *proxyaddress*)

Hopefully this helps others

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