Problems with Build 98

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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Problems with Build 98

19 Feb 2013, 11:50

Is anyone else having issues with the latest build? I am using Window 2003 and it installs just fine, but when I run Ape Manager I get errors. I have submitted a support incident but wanted to see if anyone else has issues.

I have tried 2 different servers, one test and one production, both also have ISAPIRewrite 3 installed. I have tried the install with and without registering sites. The test server install was from the free installer, but the production was with the main installer, as I just purchased a server licence. My test server is still running build 76 free.


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Re: Problems with Build 98

19 Feb 2013, 12:56

Hello Steve,

Having both ISAPI_Rewrite and HeliconApe on the same machine will cause a lot of problems. Please, use either one of the products. HeliconApe completely covers the functionality of ISAPI_Rewrite, so there's no reason to keep them both.

Thank you for the feedback at helpdesk, we will process it and get back to you as soon as possible.


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Re: Problems with Build 98

19 Feb 2013, 13:07

Hi Andrew,
I read in a post here that the 2 were compatible. I have Ape Build 76 working fine alongside ISAPI_Rewrite, and I was in the process of migrating all my rules for my sites over to Ape. I am doing one site at a time as there is a lot to do.

Are you saying that the errors I am getting when trying to run Build 98 Ape Manager is due to a conflict? If so, would it be possible to provide me with link to download the full version of Build 76. I will use that to do the migration, then once all my sites are happy I will uninstall ISAPI_Rewrite and upgrade to the latest build.



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Re: Problems with Build 98

19 Feb 2013, 13:21

I'm saying that you'll never know what is processing the requests. Sometimes you may get unexpected results with some requests. The fact that you use it without any issues on one machine, does not ensure that it will work on another machine.

this particular issue, however, may not be related to it.


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Re: Problems with Build 98

19 Feb 2013, 13:42

Hi Andrew,
Once I get my test server running all the sites with Ape I will then do it on my production server. That way it will be seamless.

Thank you for looking into my problem. I don't plan on running both at the same time if I can help it, as Ape is much superior in my mind.



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