ReverseProxy authentication

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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ReverseProxy authentication

05 Feb 2013, 05:56

Is there any way to pass basic authentication details through to a server which is being reverse proxied? I've tried RequestHeader set Authorization and it doesn't seem to get passed through.

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Re: ReverseProxy authentication

05 Feb 2013, 11:07


Yes, you can pass authorization using RewriteProxy directive and [CR] flag.

CR (use CRedentials) — proxy module will try to login on a remote server with the credentials specified in the URL or using basic authentication headers. With this flag you can use http://user:[email protected]/path/ syntax as a URL within substitution string.

Andrew Tyshchenko
HeliconTech Support Team

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