Multiple AuthUserFile

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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Multiple AuthUserFile

24 Jan 2013, 15:23

We have a need to reference multiple password files for a folder on our webserver.

From Apache documentation, it appears that this is conventionally done* using AuthnProviderAlias, but this isn't supported in Ape as far as I can tell.

Our testing has revealed that if we include two AuthUserFile directives in a .htaccess file (as shown in a simplified version below), Helicon Ape honours them both, which is great - exactly what we want; but are we exploiting a bug? i.e. is it possible that in a future update of Ape this might no longer work?

Code: Select all
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider file
AuthName "Educational Resources"
AuthUserFile .htpasswd
AuthUserFile .htpwdmha
Require valid-user

*Actually, it seems that it is properly done using AuthGroupFile, but AuthnProviderAlias suits us better.

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Re: Multiple AuthUserFile

25 Jan 2013, 08:07


This is not a bug. It's by design and we won't change it in future builds.
We'll include it into documentation to avoid misunderstanding.
We do try to make some improvements compared to Apache.

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Re: Multiple AuthUserFile

25 Jan 2013, 08:48

Great - thank you.

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