RewriteProxy on IIS 7.5 stopped working

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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RewriteProxy on IIS 7.5 stopped working

10 Jan 2013, 15:22

We updated Ape from the to 2 days ago. Today we discovered that the RewritePrxoy statement is no longer working. It was working previously. I'm trying just a real simply proxy and it's failing

RewriteProxy ^/test/$ [NC]

When I enable logging, it looks like it's trying to work. I see this:

init rewrite engine with /palehorse/
applying pattern ^/test/ to uri /test/
go-ahead with proxy request [OK]

All I get though is this:
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Note that if I change it to RewriteRule, I get a 302 as I would expect. I've also used this exact RewriteProxy on a different server running the same version of IIS on Windows 2008 R2 with the same patches installed and the same version of Ape and it works.

What can I do to further troublshoot this issue?

Also, please note that I've tried changing it to ProxyPass with no luck.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: RewriteProxy on IIS 7.5 stopped working

11 Jan 2013, 06:38

Hello, Joel

Try to close and start Ape again.
Or try to re-install Ape completely.
It's most likely to be an issue with incorrect upgrade.

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Re: RewriteProxy on IIS 7.5 stopped working

11 Jan 2013, 12:36

Thanks Anton. Uninstall/re-install did resolve the issue.

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