Problems with IIS 7.5

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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Problems with IIS 7.5

09 Jan 2013, 08:58

Hi there

We have been struggling some time now with Ape. We are running:

IIS 7.5 - Windows 2008
Ape Version
Licence: Server-wide license (We bought license last yesr)

Software is installed correctly, we are using ape manager and testing it on one site but we cant get it to work.

The simple code we are testing with on the specific site:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule default\.htm default.asp [NC]

Global config file:

# Helicon Ape version

# Helicon Ape core configuration

#Automatically generated license file
Include licenses.conf

## The following code enables most detailed logging for Ape

Loglevel debug
ErrorLog error.log

#force Ape to ignore syntax errors in config
Options -StopOnError

## Read more about supported modules here

LoadModule authz_host_module modules/
LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/
LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/
LoadModule authn_dbd_module modules/
LoadModule authn_file_module modules/
LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/
LoadModule authn_default_module modules/
LoadModule authz_user_module modules/
LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/
LoadModule authz_default_module modules/
LoadModule asis_module modules/
LoadModule cache_module modules/
LoadModule dbd_module modules/
LoadModule dbd_exec_module modules/
LoadModule dir_module modules/
LoadModule disk_cache_module modules/
LoadModule developer_module modules/
LoadModule env_module modules/
LoadModule expires_module modules/
LoadModule filter_module modules/
LoadModule gzip_module modules/
LoadModule headers_module modules/
LoadModule hotlink_module modules/
LoadModule linkfreeze_module modules/
LoadModule log_config_module modules/
LoadModule logio_module modules/
LoadModule mem_cache_module modules/
LoadModule mime_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule replace_module modules/
LoadModule usertrack_module modules/
LoadModule setenvif_module modules/
LoadModule speling_module modules/
LoadModule seo_module modules/
LoadModule xsendfile_module modules/

## The following code enables most detailed logging for mod_rewrite

RewriteLog rewrite.log
RewriteLogLevel 9

We can see you have a beta for IIS 7.5, does the current APE version not work on IIS 7

Thank you in advance.

Best regards

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Re: Problems with IIS 7.5

09 Jan 2013, 09:12

Ok, we have now come close to a solution, apperently ape only works on the default site on our server.

How come when we have bought a serverlicense ?

Best regards

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Re: Problems with IIS 7.5

09 Jan 2013, 10:40

There can be several reasons.. lets eliminate the first one - license. Please, tell me the name of a person/company your license is registered to and I'll tell you if it's server- or site-wide license.

Secondly, please, make sure your Ape is registered and is not enabled only for 1 site. To do so go to the Ape Manager and click "Help" --> "License Manager".

There can also be some additional issues. To check them - see the error.log and rewrite.log in the Ape's installation folder. I can see that you have logging enabled, which means your logs are cumbersome, so firstly, please clean the files, save them and run the testing request.

Hope this will help to resolve the issue faster.


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Re: Problems with IIS 7.5

10 Jan 2013, 07:09

Hi Andrew

We bought the license 24/10 2010 - Lars Ancker, when I go into License manager, it says Server-wide License.

When we go in to License manager, it only says its a serve-wide license, there are no possiblites to select any websites that should be enabled.

We have check the error log and it says:

[10-01-2013 11:04:26] [LicenseManager] Credentials for Lars Ancker are valid
[10-01-2013 11:04:26] [cache_module] items stored in the cache: 0; bytes available for the cache: 1774190592, physical memory limit: 99%

Licenses.conf says:


# Free sites
# Server-wide license
RegistrationName= Lars Ancker
RegistrationCode= XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX (Hidden)
FreeSites id#1

Hope this can help some more to clarify our problem

Best Regards/ Thomas

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Re: Problems with IIS 7.5

10 Jan 2013, 11:44


Have done some more research and I think I have found the problem.

Default website is under the app pool default, Ape works fine with the default web site.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule default\.htm default.asp [NC]

All other sites are placed in other app pools and does not work. As a test I took another site and placed it in default app pool and now it worked.

Is it a bug or have we misconfed something ?

Thank you in advance

Best regards

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Re: Problems with IIS 7.5

10 Jan 2013, 12:45


We have the same problem here with iis 7.5 (Windows 2008 R2)

Our Ape won't work with any sites if the site runs with its own application pool. WSP creates application pool on a per site base with his own user. I think, this is the problem.

- The license is okay.
- The rewrite log is empty.

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Re: Problems with IIS 7.5

10 Jan 2013, 16:50


This can be related to the type of the app pool. We recommend integrated pipeline. However if you need to use classic one, please try to disable and then again enable Helicon Ape for the web-site, using Helicon Ape manager. When you do that the manager registers Helicon Ape specifically for classic pipeline.


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Re: Problems with IIS 7.5

10 Jan 2013, 17:17

Hi there

Thanks for reply, the default app pool was actually running integrated pipeline but discovered that .net framework version in the app. pool was set to No managed code, changed it 2 4.0 and works fine now thanks. Solved the case, have a nice eve and thanks for great support.

Cheers/ Thomas

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Re: Problems with IIS 7.5

10 Jan 2013, 22:29

The application pool is already set .NET 4.0 integrated pipeline. So, this correct.
Disabling and reenabling was done, but it didn't work out.

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Re: Problems with IIS 7.5

11 Jan 2013, 21:39

swissmerlin wrote:The application pool is already set .NET 4.0 integrated pipeline. So, this correct.
Disabling and reenabling was done, but it didn't work out.

What does your error.log says? registration?

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Re: Problems with IIS 7.5

12 Jan 2013, 09:18

It says that the license is valid and i have this in the error log:

[12.01.2013 12:36:16] [cache_module] items stored in the cache: 0; bytes available for the cache: 2573274316, physical memory limit: 98%
[12.01.2013 12:36:16] [mod_core_context] (8) [/] ConfigFactory.LoadHtaccess:

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Re: Problems with IIS 7.5

13 Jan 2013, 12:02

Please, contact Helicon using email or helpdesk. they will assign the time for online meeting and will help to resolve this.


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