Vary Header

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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Vary Header

12 Apr 2012, 15:09

I am using the most recent version of Helicon Ape.
I have discovered that, when REWRITE is turned on - some responses return a header of:

Vary: Original-URL

This interferes w/ client side caching in IE.

If I turn OFF rewrite - the header no longer appears.

I can't find anything about this in Ape documentation - can you clarify how I can stop the Vary header from being set?

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Re: Vary Header

12 Apr 2012, 17:21

Just to be clear - if .htaccess is:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*/)*\.private/ [NC,R]

I see the VARY header.

If I change it to:

#RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*/)*\.private/ [NC,R]

There is no header.

The website itself is a .NET 4.0 application.

EDIT: It seems I was mistaken. The RewriteRule above doesn't cause an issue. It functions fine. The following rule (or one like it - w/ a RewriteCond) appears to cause the "Vary" header problem:

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Host} ^proxy\.xyz\.org$
RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/?$ [NC,L,NS,R]

It causes the issue even if the condition is not met (and rule not applied.)
Last edited by billo355 on 12 Apr 2012, 18:14, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Vary Header

12 Apr 2012, 17:50

Also - I attempted to use Ape to alter the headers - but it doesn't work.
w/ Rewrite on I tried:

Header unset Vary

didn't work (Original-URL) remained. I also tried to "set" or even "append" the header. No luck.

If I turned Rewrite off - I was able to set the Vary header.

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Re: Vary Header

13 Apr 2012, 06:24


Thanks for reporting the issue. It might be a bug. Our developers will check it more thoroughly and fix it for the next build.
I'll inform you as soon as we have news for you.

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Re: Vary Header

13 Apr 2012, 09:49


Please register in our helpdesk system ( and create a ticket with reference to this forum post.
We'll send you a new build to check if it will help with your issue.

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Re: Vary Header

09 Jan 2013, 15:08

I am having the same problem - cannot seem to add/append/merge a header

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