File Size Limit

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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File Size Limit

29 Nov 2012, 13:16

I have Helicon Ape installed on IIS and am getting a /server application error when a client tries to upload more than a 4MB file. Can someone tell me how to allow Ape to allow a 10MB file to pass through?


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Re: File Size Limit

29 Nov 2012, 13:39


Please, specify if it's a direct upload or using proxy.
Does the upload work without Ape enabled?


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Re: File Size Limit

29 Nov 2012, 14:11

Yes, previously when the application was going through a WebLogic IIS plugin we didn't hear the complaint. Once we got rid of the IIS Wl proxy and started using Ape to proxy then the problem surfaced. Thanks

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Re: File Size Limit

29 Nov 2012, 17:22

Would you, please, provide the rules you're using? (httpd.conf and .htaccess)


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Re: File Size Limit

29 Nov 2012, 17:49

I would love to provide that but everytime I try to submit it tells me I can only include 2 URL's......there are condiderable more than 2 URL's in my http.conf. (I have nothing in my .htaccess file). Is there no default setting or place to change the max file size for the Helicon proxy? I am new at this but assume that would be a setting that could be adjusted.....

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Re: File Size Limit

29 Nov 2012, 18:22

Well, URL restriction is to avoid spamming. However you can attach files and they can only be viewed for registered members.

There's no direct way to restrict the size. As you can see here. That's why I was asking for the config files to see and determine that it's 100% not Ape.
You may also look up at the register if .NET has some restrictions, as implementing Ape adds a new URL processing participant - .NET.


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Re: File Size Limit

29 Nov 2012, 19:27

I tried to upload the httpd.conf file (finally found the upload attachment button) and then I get the message that .conf and .txt file extensions are not allowed. Anyway.....

So you are saying that the file size to upload through the Helicon Ape is unlimited? I really don't want to restrict the size at this point but from what I am seeing it looks like I am being restricted whereas previously I was not.


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Re: File Size Limit

29 Nov 2012, 22:29

The only thing I'd like to check is the build of your Ape installation before making any assumptions.


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Re: File Size Limit

30 Nov 2012, 06:41


Ape does not set any limits on the file size.
The limits are set in IIS -> Request Filtering.
Please check.

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