Rules Check Tool?

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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Rules Check Tool?

17 Nov 2012, 20:31

We have over 4,700 redirections that we set up in .htaccess file.
However, it causes infinite loop everytime we enable Helicon Ape for the site.
We know that there's something not right in one/more hardcoded redirections because once we take them all out of .htaccess, Helicon Ape works correctly.

Is there a tool that we can use for checking these rules?
We know Helicon Ape comes with RegexTest tool, but it's just one rule at a time.

We also have followed the troubleshooting guide here:, but nothing useful came from error.log, and the rewrite.log wasn't even created.

Below are some examples of those rules we mentioned:

Code: Select all
RewriteRule   ^uncategorized/the-goal-is-freedom-who-needs-evidence/$ /library/detail/the-goal-is-freedom-who-needs-evidence/ [R=301,L]
RewriteRule   ^uncategorized/tyler-watts-wins-beth-a-hoffman-memorial-prize-for-economic-writing/$ /library/detail/tyler-watts-wins-beth-a-hoffman-memorial-prize-for-economic-writing [R=301,L]
RewriteRule   ^uncategorized/why-are-we-shocked-shocked-at-blagojevich%e2%80%99s-statements/$ /library/detail/why-are-we-shocked-shocked-at-blagojevichs-statements [R=301,L]

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Re: Rules Check Tool?

18 Nov 2012, 17:22

There's no other way to check, except to comment out sections of the htaccess files. For example, you comment out one half of the file and see if it redirects correctly, if it does, this means error is in this section. Then you comment a half of the rules from this section.... it long, but sometimes it helps.

Judging from ecperience, usually the cause of the loop is some generic rule that redirects non-www to www ot https to http. Try to take that path.

It also could be interaction between http.conf and .htaccess file. So, check if there's some flaw there.


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Re: Rules Check Tool?

11 Dec 2012, 22:49

That is what I am checking right now and wish to get something out of it.

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