control 404

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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control 404

16 Nov 2012, 10:40

I have this rule to control special characters like á , é... ñ, etc.

RewriteRule .*(?:ã|ú|ó|í|é|á|ñ).* /include/404.asp [NC,R=301,L]

The problem is that this rule, "redirect" to the page 404.asp and google interprets like redirection 301 (Status moved permanent). I want "response status 404".
I try in this way.

RewriteRule .*(?:ã|ú|ó|í|é|á|ñ).* /include/404.asp [NC,R=404,L]

Now i have the status 404 but i can't see the page 404.asp to personalize the message. I have this message.

Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.

The page is correct in the location before mentioned, i dont know why the message "not found"

Plaese your help.

Edison Paspuel

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Re: control 404

17 Nov 2012, 02:31


you can't d it like that. You're redirecting the page, so the status can't be simply 404.
You may try this module to create customized error pages - ... orDocument, however it will give 302 code, but not 400.


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Re: control 404

11 Dec 2012, 22:43

Got it. Thanks a lot.

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