Ape don't read the .htaccess on Windows Server 2008 Plesk 10

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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Ape don't read the .htaccess on Windows Server 2008 Plesk 10

17 Oct 2012, 07:20


I'm new here and I have a problem with Ape.

I have installed it and set the permission Helicon folder IIS_IUsers and .htaccess IIS_IUsers to read and execute.
No rewrite working and it use the standard cache time and not that I set in the .htaccess.
So I think Ape is working but don't use the .htaccess.

Has anybody an idear what could be the problem?

Btw, I see no entries from Ape in the isapi-filter, is that ok?

excuse my bad englisch please ;)

Code: Select all
[16.10.2012 21:41:05] [LicenseManager] Credentials for XXX are valid
[16.10.2012 21:41:05] [cache_module] items stored in the cache: 0; bytes available for the cache: 1774190592, physical memory limit: 99%
[16.10.2012 21:41:06] [3.3] LoadModule : module gzip_module,modules/mod_gzip.so already loaded
[16.10.2012 21:41:06] [3.3] LoadModule : module setenvif_module,modules/mod_setenvif.so already loaded
[16.10.2012 21:41:06] [3.3] LoadModule : module headers_module,modules/mod_headers.so already loaded
[16.10.2012 21:41:06] [3.3] LoadModule : module cache_module,modules/mod_cache.so already loaded

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Re: Ape don't read the .htaccess on Windows Server 2008 Ples

17 Oct 2012, 08:01


Please, provide rewrite.log too for the testing request. Also, please, specify the rules you're using.


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Re: Ape don't read the .htaccess on Windows Server 2008 Ples

17 Oct 2012, 08:53


The rewrite rules i'm using.
Code: Select all
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^http://xxxx.de
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.xxxx.de/$1 [r=301,L]

Code: Select all
RewriteRule ^((urllist|sitemap_).*\.(xml|txt)(\.gz)?)$ includes/sitemap.php?datei=$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule !\. index.php [L]

thanks and regards

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Re: Ape don't read the .htaccess on Windows Server 2008 Ples

17 Oct 2012, 16:54

Well, according to your log the Ape is working and your rules are applied:

(1) init rewrite engine with /LED-Falling-Star-Eyecatcher-Sternschnuppen-Regen-Roehre_1

(5) strip matching prefix: /LED-Falling-Star-Eyecatcher-Sternschnuppen-Regen-Roehre_1 -> LED-Falling-Star-Eyecatcher-Sternschnuppen-Regen-Roehre_1
(3) applying pattern ^(.*)$ to uri LED-Falling-Star-Eyecatcher-Sternschnuppen-Regen-Roehre_1
(4) RewriteCond: input='www.xxxx.de' pattern='^http://xxxx.de' => not-matched
(3) applying pattern ^((urllist|sitemap_).*\.(xml|txt)(\.gz)?)$ to uri LED-Falling-Star-Eyecatcher-Sternschnuppen-Regen-Roehre_1

(5) strip matching prefix: /LED-Falling-Star-Eyecatcher-Sternschnuppen-Regen-Roehre_1 -> LED-Falling-Star-Eyecatcher-Sternschnuppen-Regen-Roehre_1
(4) RewriteCond: input='C:\Inetpub\vhosts\xxx\httpdocs\LED-Falling-Star-Eyecatcher-Sternschnuppen-Regen-Roehre_1' pattern='!-d' => matched
(5) add per-dir prefix: index.php -> /index.php
(1) Rewrite URL to >> /index.php [REWRITE]
(1) Rewrite URL /LED-Falling-Star-Eyecatcher-Sternschnuppen-Regen-Roehre_1 to >> /index.php [INTERNAL_REDIRECT]

Are these rules from httpd.conf or .htaccess?


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Re: Ape don't read the .htaccess on Windows Server 2008 Ples

18 Oct 2012, 06:54

I set no rules for rewrite in the httpd.conf, I only set the rules from my last poste in the .htaccess.

the cache rules are not working to, it takes the cache rules from the httpd.conf not from the .htaccess...

EDIT: the rules in the .htaccess seems not working, because I would not forwarded from xxxx.de to http://www.xxxx.de

the things I wrote befor the rewrite-rules
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /

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Re: Ape don't read the .htaccess on Windows Server 2008 Ples

18 Oct 2012, 11:41

Please, go to Support tab on top of the website and create and email using helpdesk. Mark the subject "To Andrew" and refer to this ticket in the letter itself. We need you to specify RDP access to your server to take a look at the Ape configuration. It may issue may take some time, as I'm saying it's working and you're saying it's not.


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