PHP 5.4 pipe

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PHP 5.4 pipe

27 Jul 2012, 18:46


are you planning to officially support PHP 5.4? I know I can copy php.5.3.pipe and adjust it to 5.4 in applicationhost.config:

Code: Select all
<engine name="php.5.4.pipe" fullPath="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PHP\v5.4\php-cgi.exe" arguments="&quot;-c %PHP_INI%&quot;" transport="NamedPipe" protocol="fastcgi">
                    <add name="ERROR_LOG_DIR" value="NULL" />
                    <add name="WATCH_FILE_CHANGES_MASK" value="php.ini" />
                    <add name="PHP_INI" value="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PHP\v5.4\php.ini" />
                    <add name="PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS" value="100000" />

but have you tested PHP 5.4?


EDIT: I've also noticed that to make php.ini file work from installation directory I had to remove " arguments="&quot;-c %PHP_INI%&quot;" " from engine tag.

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Re: PHP 5.4 pipe

28 Jul 2012, 07:15

Yes we plan to support more engines out of the box and provide administrative means to manage engines easier.
The problem with PHP_INI is not normal. Removing '-c %PHP_INI%' you will lose the ability to set individual php.ini files for web sites. Can you confirm that '%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PHP\v5.4\php.ini' points to the correct php.ini file location?
We will test PHP 5.4 soon, there should be no problems with it.

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Re: PHP 5.4 pipe

29 Jul 2012, 05:06

I was trying different paths: Path declared in PHP_INI, C:\Windows, then I've tried to download latest PHP version 5.4.5 from and placed it somewhere outside Program Files and changed PHP_INI value but none of them was workling. Only thing which helped was removing arguments from engine tag. Actually in my situation (shared hosting) I'm not sure if I want to allow my users to have individual php.ini files so this is not a big loss.

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Re: PHP 5.4 pipe

30 Jul 2012, 11:06

Having individual php.ini files is important feature.
Helicon Zoo creates php.exe child process using user context, with user's credentials and quotas. This is how isolation works. So there is nothing illegal in php.ini or other files and scripts under user's context that user can edit. Editing this file will not affect in any way other web sites and applications running on the server. And php.ini could be essential for the user's applications so I strongly recommend you to keep this feature.

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