Enabling Helicon Ape for a website

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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Enabling Helicon Ape for a website

16 Jul 2012, 17:40

I'm running IIS 6 on a Windows 2003 server, using Plesk Control Panel 9.5.5 as a front end to manage our domains. I've successfully enabled Ape for a few of our websites through the Helicon Ape Manager program, and I've verified that it's working properly for those sites.

However, when I try enable Ape for one particular website, I get an error dialog box:

Window title: Helicon.Ape Enabling Error
Window message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

The only button on the error window is 'OK'.

I'm not doing anything unusual to try and enable Ape, just right-clicking the website in Ape Manager and choosing 'Enable Helicon Ape' from the menu. Once I do that, I get a popup message saying that "IIS6 application wildcard mapping to ASP.Net (aspnet_isapi.dll) will be configured", and do I want to continue? I click Yes (same as for the other websites where Ape is working) and thant's when the error message pops up.

Any suggestions?


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Re: Enabling Helicon Ape for a website

17 Jul 2012, 06:53


That's weird. Usually PLESK cause multiple issues with permissions, so we'd suggest checking them first. Here's some documentation

There's also a way to enable Ape per-site manually, see here


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Re: Enabling Helicon Ape for a website

23 Jul 2012, 19:01

Hi Andrew, no luck. All the NTFS permissions look ok, and I followed the direction in the per-site section for 2003, but there isn't any re-writing happening. Right now my .htaccess file is set to forbid all page loads for testing:

Code: Select all
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .? - [F]

but the site is loading just fine. I also set

Code: Select all
RewriteLog rewrite.log
RewriteLogLevel 9

in /Helicon/httpd.conf, but no rewrite.log file is being generated. Any more suggestions?

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Re: Enabling Helicon Ape for a website

24 Jul 2012, 07:28

This means it's permissions. You need to erase psaacl users from security tab in folders properties. Both installation folder and web-site's folder.


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Re: Enabling Helicon Ape for a website

14 Nov 2012, 14:17

Hey Andrew, sorry to revive an old thread... just thought I'd post the resolution in case anyone else runs into this issue. I finally hunkered down and spent an afternoon troubleshooting yesterday, and although I'm still not sure why the error is coming up in the first place, I did find a workaround. I manually enabled wildcard mapping (like you demonstrate on this page) and copied the web.config file from a working website, and found that Ape worked just fine after that.

I also noticed that I was able to disable Ape using Ape Manager, and the wildcard mapping and web.config file were removed automatically as I would expect. However, I wasn't able to use Ape manager to re-enable Ape for the site... I got the same error as before. Manually enabling wildcard mapping and editing the web.config file worked just fine again.

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